Chapter 30: The Importance of Underwear 5/5

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Moving was effortless for Sunghoon. Momentum carried him swiftly across the ice. He was happy, that feeling he longed for was there, a dopamine drenched heart. Smiling he sniffed the rink - 'odd' he though, the smell of the ice rinks wasn't there. Instead there was an odour - one that many people found unpleasant - wet dog.

Turning Sunghoon focused his eyes onto the barrier of the ice rink. Sat, with his legs swingy over the edge and effortlessly cool was 'Jaeyun'. He was watching him skate, those predatory eyes following him around the ice like they were waiting for something... or someone. Sunghoon nodded at him, a greeting he always gave to 'Jaeyun' when the saw each other in passing. There was never a moment that Sunghoon didn't want to say something to his friend but sometimes he felt that he had to be quiet - in which instance a simple nod sufficed. "God you're good looking" Sunghoon said as he came to a halt.

'Jaeyun' smiled at him, "I know" he said cockily. 

"You do huh?" Sunghoon could feel his mouth grinning in reaction to his friend's confidence. "What else do you know?"

"I know you've got secrets, big ones and that  you're hiding them from me, from everyone"

Sunghoon skated towards him, "I'll tell them to you if you would let me?", he could feel his heart race at the sheer audacity or courage that he was displaying in asking the question.

"Oh you can show me, but not here."  'Jaeyun'  brought his legs back over the barrier and jumped off. Sunghoon went to follow him and then, as if by magic they were no longer in the rink. Sunghoon was trying to work out where he was when he smelled chlorine.

"Jaeyun, are you still there...?" He asked with trepidation. Looking forward Sunghoon realised he was staring at the shower cubicles, 'Jaeyun's' shower was in use, his shorts and towel were slung over the cubicle's wall. Sunghoon's confidence lead him forward, not to the cubicle that he showered in but to the one that 'Jaeyun' used, the one that 'Jaeyun' was in. Sunghoon's heart began to steadily increase in its rate. He noticed his clothes were gone, he was wearing only his underwear. He was reaching for 'Jaeyun's' door. He begun to press his hand on it, it wasn't locked. He was going to be allowed it.

"May I?" Sunghoon asked.

To his surprise the answer came, "Come in" 

Sunghoon woke. His chest heaved with his racing heart. 'Urghhh, I'm a complete and total mess' Sunghoon thought to himself. Reaching out to his phone he found that it was 4:52am. Letting go, he allowed the screen to fall lightly onto his bedsides table, leaving him in darkness. 'These dreams are becoming too much' Sunghoon, frustrated with his conscience turned over, burying his head into his pillow.

Lying prone he noticed that part of his body was grinding pleasurably against his bedsheet. "Damn it Jaeyun" he said out loud.


"We'll get it back, I promise" Jake said. He was trying to calm the agitated Heeseung over lunch. It was apparent during the phone call last night that the Hard Drive/Yongsoon issue had gotten to him but the extant to which it was effecting him was only evident when they saw him at school.

"I hope so man and I really appreciate you guys trying" Heeseung said, trying his best to pull a smile but he was clearly nervous. The longer it went without the Hard Drive the greater the chance was that his mum would never see it again.

"What is your guys' plan again, like the whole of it - not just fragments?" Jay asked having being partially filled in after witnessing the condition of Heeseung and the conversation between his friends over the course of the day. Sunghoon had a lot to talk about in the morning concerning the plan as he was going to be its  main player, thus, Jay had picked up a fair amount of it just by listening.

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