Chapter 87: The Talk 2/8

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Jake lay on his bed facing the stealing. His legs were numb but warm, both symptoms of having Sunghoon fall asleep whilst lying across them.

Jake didn't mind, Artemis, who was lying with them on the bed was also asleep. The twin sounds of sleeping were calming, minuscule inhales and exhales acting as a metronome for his thoughts. After having the relief of entrusting Yun's 'party' to Sunoo, Jake had spent the afternoon chatting with Sunghoon. The conversation hadn't being of any great importance, general school gossip and jokes about potential problems Jay might have found himself in on his date taking up much of the afternoon.

Eventually, the conversation had died down and Sunghoon had 'rested his eyes' before promptly falling asleep. Jake wondered about Sunghoon, the boy was so attached to him. It had been several weeks since Jake had decided to throw his lot in with Jungkook and him and return to Seoul. 

It had been an easy choice then. When Sunghoon had showed up at the last moment, he had been about to leave for Canada - to start anew, alone. Returning to the Jungkook's sanctuary came with no preconditions, although Jake wondered if Sunghoon really believed that. 

They had never formalised things between them, there was no decision to become boyfriends, it was just them - friends who, from time to time, would act like more than friends. There were feelings inside Jake towards Sunghoon, fond feelings of caring and respect. 

Before his parents had arrived on the scene, Jake had been about to ask Sunghoon to take several steps back from him. That had been after Namil's assault, when Jake had wanted nothing more than just not being gay. 

Jake didn't believe he still had those desires, if he did they were not so clearly cut and absolute in his mind. Jake knew it didn't matter was who he was with, provided they improved him and he improved them. Certainly it was the case that he was attracted to Sunghoon, his smell alone was enough for Jake to get off on in his quieter moments. It was also the case that Sunghoon was head over heals for him - Jake knew this even before he'd traveled across the world to get him back. 

Jake tilted his head to look down his body at the sleeping boy across him. 'Do I love him?' Jake asked himself. That question was followed by another, 'How would I even know if I did?'

'Well' Jake supposed, his mind trying to answer his own question, 'Isn't that what dating is for?'

It was a curious position to find himself in. Jake knew that most people who where aware of him and Sunghoon being more than friends presumed them to be boyfriends. Yun did, Sunoo did - hell, even his mother, with whom he had now rekindled a relationship with, presumed them to be an item.

Jake smiled as he took in the sight of the boy before him. It was impossible for him to not generate little butterflies inside of his heart. Jake knew he needed to allow himself a chance to give them a chance but then came the next question 'how?' the next time the opportunity presented itself, he'd take it. 

Suddenly, the noise of a key being placed in the front door's lock could be heard. Artemis, was first to react. She leapt from the bed in a moment, this jump awoke the slumbering Sunghoon.

The door opening was signal enough that Jungkook had returned home after his day of playing toy soldiers. "Jake?" Jungkook called from the main room, "can you come here?"

Jake felt his brow instinctively furrow itself at the request. 'What could he want?' the teenager asked himself. Knowing the only way to find out was to go, Jake shook Sunghoon's shoulder to make sure he didn't immediately fall back to sleep.

After first yawning and stretching, the two teenagers slowly disembarked the bed and made their way to Jungkook. Entering the living room, Jake saw that Jungkook was wearing a peculiar expression of intrigue -  or was it knowing?

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