Chapter 97: Knowing What I Want? 4/7

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Jake was aware that Sunghoon had still not answered his question as to why he had been talking to his father about sex, instead he had been reduced to silently accompanying him for Artemis's evening walk.

Sunghoon's attendance had been provoked by a wayward question from Niki who had overheard the topic of conversation turn to sex. Both Jake and him had gulped in unison when Jungkook voiced the boy's question, "So wait, which one of you is the bottom and which is top?" 

Jake had immediately seized Artemis's lead and left the apartment with Sunghoon following silently behind. Neither spoke out of embarrassment until they were 50 metres away from the building, then they had collectively burst out into laughter. It wasn't like there had been any other reaction that they could give to such a forthright question.

After the laughter, they were left with shy and embarrassed smiles imprinted on their faces that remained there as they continued the routine walk in silence. In the cold evening air, serenaded by distant sounds of sirens and horns Jake wondered about Niki's question over positions. 

It wasn't that ideas of sex with Sunghoon hadn't entered his mind previously. Indeed it had a tendency to enter his mind quite regularly, every night and most mornings it the most pertinent topic on Jake's subconscious. In the rather tedious confines  of a rather-too-easy English class he had a habit of closing his eyes and stretching his fingers, wondering what it might be like to touch Sunghoon. However, the idea that they had set roles in their relationship felt weird and off. Would one be subordinate to the other? He hoped not. 

He knew that Sunghoon had a lot of  the same thoughts as him. While ostensibly shy, Sunghoon was also very obvious. In the changing room on Friday mornings he could feel the Ice Prince's eyes track every inch of his body whilst he changed. Jake knew that Sunghoon had a tactic of always asking difficult questions right when Jake was least clothed so as to make him stop and pause for a moment whilst thinking of an answer. While unsubtle, Jake would be lying to himself if he thought that he didn't like the attention. 

In Jake's mind he always imagined that one day he would challenge Sunghoon on his wondering eyes, that one day he would take control. 

Needless to say that hadn't happened yet, not in reality at least. In Jake's mind it happened perhaps four times a week and... well there was the thought again. Jake let out a smirk as his thoughts dawdled for a little too long. 

"What?" Sunghoon asked from his left hand side. Jake could detect the grin in his voice, no doubt his mind had been in a not-dissimilar location to his own.

"Just stuff" Jake said, trying sheepishly to shrug off the answer. 

"Just stuff?" Sunghoon repeated the words as he placed his right hand on Jake's neck, pinching it slightly. 

Jake involuntarily shivered at the touch. Leaning into to grip until Sunghoon pinched again. 

"What kind of stuff?" Sunghoon asked. 

Jake attempted to conceal his deviant expression by biting his bottom lip. This suppression was only momentary as his eager heart forced to speak. "Bad stuff"

"Bad stuff?"

"Sex stuff"

Sunghoon scoffed with laughter, but his hand remained massaging Jake's neck. "Sex stuff?" he repeated before letting out a noticeably more nervous giggle. 

Jake brought their footsteps to a halt. Artemis's lead became taught has she tried to continue with their walk. Unfortunately for the dog, Jake had other ideas. Turning to look at Sunghoon, Jake saw that he was blushing. Sunghoon could do bravado when he didn't have eyes on him, but when he felt Jake's upon him he seemed to become completely malleable. 

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