Chapter 4: Who's the New Kid? 1/9

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"C'mon, get up" accompanied two loud knocks on Jake's bedroom door. The weekend had gone by quickly, partly because Jake had been exhausted and had spent such large amount of it asleep and the remained of the time was spent getting to know his surroundings. On Sunday night Jungkook had allowed him to walk Artemis by himself around the neighbourhood - it was nice to have some time to himself where he was able to take stock. He was glad with how things seemed to be going, he didn't feel himself looking back as much as he feared.


Several meters away Sunghoon was already awake, the faucet was running as he waited for the water to get hot. He had, on the advice of Gi assembled a great many products, exfoliants and serums to apply to his face and neck as part of his transformation. It all seemed alien to him, this level of care. He'd given himself 10 minutes to accomplish all this but he feared that might be insufficient.


Jake got washed and dressed quickly before heading to breakfast. Jungkook was already dressed reading the morning's news "morning kiddo" he said, not looking up at the dressed Jake, "How long have we got JK?" Jungkook smiled at the nickname he'd been given the day before, "15 minutes then we're out the door".


Sunghoon washed his plate having wolfed down breakfast, leaving it to dry he zoomed back to his bathroom to brush his teeth.


"Have you used the mouthwash I gave you?"Jungkook asked Jake as he appeared from his bedroom, prompting the teenager to turn 180º and return thirty seconds later smiling. Hoisting a blue backpack Jungkook had leant him, "I'm think I'm ready". Jungkook was waiting by the door, "Great, you look good." he said reassuring Jake, "I guess I'm walking you to school. You've got the key yeah?"

"Yes", Jake responded tapping his pocket which produced the noise of the key and keychain rubbing against one another. "Fantastic" Jungkook exclaimed, "then let's go" he said opening the door to reveal a tall boy doing the same from door 131. He was dressed in the same uniform as Jake. "On second thoughts, he'll take you to school" Jungkook stated to the surprised duo before pushing Jake in front of him and then closing the front door leaving the two teenagers awkwardly in each others company.

"Well this is slightly awkward", Sunghoon said, breaking the silence and producing a smile from Jake, "Jeon Jaeyun", Jake said, offering his hand towards the boy in front of him, "Park Sunghoon" he said with a smile meeting his hand. "Well let's get a move on, is this your first day or something?"

Jake nodded, "Yes, I'm starting in teacher Che Hyun-Ju's form", Sunghoon scoffed as he lead Jake down the stairs. 

"You're kidding?"

 "I'm not" Jake reaffirmed. 

"So you're going to be in my class Jaeyun."

There was a sound of the boys' shoes clattering against the stairs, it echoed loudly as they descended. "So what's school like?" Jake asked,

"I guess like any other; there are cliques, the cool kids go between groups, music people, drama people, dramatic people, sporty people" Sunghoon responded.

"And which one are you?" Jake queried as they left the building.

Sunghoon shurgged in an effort to play at looking cool, "I'm Park Sunghoon, I cannot be pigeon holed!"

Jake laughed at the boy and his confidence. Objectively Sunghoon was handsome, presumably he'd be good to hang around with - he never really like school 'food-chains' but it was always good place to be somewhere towards the upper sections of the hierarchy.

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