Chapter 100: THAT NIGHT! 7/7*

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[Referenced Warning 3 in section 9]


"Weird' Jungkook said before taking another large mouthful of the chicken burger he was consuming. Jay sat alongside  the man, watching as bread crumbs fell from the his mouth. It wasn't exactly awkward between them but equally it wasn't 'not awkward' either. They found themselves sitting at a counter next to one another staring through the window out at the street, waiting for their company to arrive.

Jay had arrived for what was ostensibly a 'night out' with Sunghoon and Jaeyun but neither of them were present. Instead, he found himself waiting for the latecomers to arrive with Jayeun's uncle, Jungkook. 

Jungkook was a curious young man, he seemed in many ways too young and too immature to be Jaeyun's uncle but his classmate assured him that this would be the man that could provide the access and the key to an arts school and a way off the robotic conveyor-belt-life Jay feared he was living.

In an effort to promote smalltalk, Jungkook had offered to buy Jay some fast food as they waited. Jay had accepted and, after receiving their food had asked Jungkook what life was like living with an 18 year old boy in his apartment. So far, the answer 'weird' was all he had received.

"Why weird?" Jay asked before taking the first bite of his burger.

"Well, you see..." Jungkook begun before realising the need to swallow the remaining food in his mouth, "one moment, you're living a life with few cares and distractions and the next moment your burdened by responsibility" he imitated being afraid of this like one might be afraid of a ghost.


"Well, I've got to make sure he doesn't do too many stupid things"

"Stupid things?" Jay asked with a smile sensing that Jungkook might divulge some hitherto unknown stories about his friend's escapades.

Jungkook gave a sly smile back before wiping his mouth with a napkin, "Oh you know, not getting too many people pregnant or doing too much of that weird teenage shi....." He stopped short of swearing but doing so prompted a laugh from Jay.

"Haha, it's alright, you can swear in front of me dude, I won't tell your mum" It was Jungkook's turn to laugh but Jay wasn't finished prodding the young man with questions, "So what is 'weird teenage shit?"

Jungkook stabilised himself, gesturing with his hand to swat away the question as if it were a fly, "Oh you know the weird stuff you do when you're growing up?"

"Let's pretend I don't" Jay said, smiling keenly. 

"Pfff" Jungkook made a sound in reaction to knowing that Jay was egging him on to say some revealing stuff. He almost instinctively went to brush away his hair before remembering his hand was covered in some sticky hot sauce.

Jay watched as Jungkook wiped his hand on a new napkin as a delaying tactic. "Go on" he pressed.

"Well let me think..." Jungkook began, he was suddenly cast in a shy light, "...when you're still trying to figure everything thing out you end up doing stupid things..."


" sleeping with your friends, breaking each others hearts, getting too close to people you shouldn't whilst pushing other people away..." Jay watched as Jungkook eyes drifted through the window into the middle distance, "... you end up trying weird substances, getting alcohol poisoning, falling in love for a year, feeling like you ruin your life every other week, questioning everything you thought and considering suicide once a month"

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