Chapter 95: Dancing with Family 2/7

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'Happy New Year'

Jake was slouched against his headboard rereading his most recent text conversation  with his brother. To call it a conversation was exaggerating, exchanging a courtesy would be perhaps a better description of it. They were on good terms but he felt they had nothing to talk about, or at least nothing he wanted to talk about. 

Taehyung's upcoming child didn't interest him, if anything Jake thought he was a bit young to be an uncle but that was the limit he allowed it to concern him. Jake was only scrolling through the messages as he pondered whether or not he should make contact. 

For all of his disinterest in the steadiness and ease of Taehyung's life he was the only person who seemed to have their life under control. Their parents marriage was increasingly rocky and outside of his family the only other person he might turn to was Jungkook. 

The kindest man he'd ever met was also a total mess - it's why he loved him really. The scale of the flaws in his character were only made more endearing by the magnitude of his charms. A smile flickered across Jake's face whilst thinking of Jungkook. He  closed his phone, deciding he didn't know what he would ask Taehyung if he did reach out. 

Instead the man-child who was currently slouched on the sofa playing, via the internet, video games with a 16 year old Japanese kid who had provided enough stability for Jake thus far would make this evening's sounding board. Jungkook was stable enough, but how stable was that? Jake asked himself as he made his way out from his bedroom.

Despite Jungkook's preoccupation with the screen, he recognised the pensive nature of Jake who, when he arrived, curled into a ball next to Artemis. 

"What's wrong?' Jungkook asked without bothering to glance over at the teenager.

"Nothing's wrong"

"Then why are you like that?"

"Like what?"

'Like... hugging the dog, the way you get when you've got something going on in your mind... is it Hoonie? You got boy problems? Think he might be straight?"

Jungkook was sniggering until Jake decided to set the direct the conversation away from his erstwhile boyfriend. "I want to speak with Niki?"


"You're always chatting with him and all I've gotten his some snide remarks. Like, there's so much I want to ask him"

Jungkook stiffened slightly, "Ask him what exactly?" 

"Well, firstly how come he can speak such good Korean but more importantly I want to ask him about you." Jake said with all the confidence he could muster.


"You've actually being really helpful tonight" Jay said as he allowed the pen he was holding to fall onto the desk he was studying on. Eunju had been helping him with a geography assignment, even though she was his junior she far surpassed him academically and was a resource for Jay to boost his grades. 

"Aww, you're welcome, I just like spending time with you" Eunju said from the phone that was propped up against a half drunk glass of water. 

Jay smiled at the compliment, "I keep saying we could hang out after school" he said turning to face the girl on his screen. 

"And as I keep telling you, not until the day's get longer. My parents don't want me hanging out in the dark"

"Is it because I'm older than you?"

The Boy From The Bridge - JakehoonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora