Chapter 76: All You Have To Do Is Fly 5/7

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Jungkook was in every way the best flight companion Sunghoon had ever travelled with. In all his previous experiences with his parents, traveling and in particular - airports, had been the subject of stress, discomfort and miss-placed passports. 

Having a flight scheduled to leave after 11pm meant that the airport was relatively quiet. Plenty of people had still being there but everyone kept to themselves. After breezing through Security in steps that Sunghoon could have sworn were too quick, Jungkook had immediately taken him to a restaurant as they waited for their gate to be called. 

This was a new way of doing things for Sunghoon. Airport food had a reputation for being overly expensive and so his parents had always made him sit for hours in uncomfortable chairs, steadily growing more and more hungry as they waited for their flight. Jungkook's approach was completely different. Sugar and protein were in order, even if they intended to sleep on the flight - in this environment, the wait took no time at all.

Later, Jungkook provided a running commentary as Sunghoon stared southwards out of the aeroplane window, describing everything Sunghoon could and couldn't see in a peculiar detail. It  was a pleasant distraction from his worries about Jake. Jungkook talked until he had sent himself to sleep but by that point Sunghoon was so taken with the night sky that he saw up through the glass. 

As their plane flew over China, Sunghoon found himself staring up at the stars. They were so bright and clear at that altitude that even from his porthole he was able to recognise entire constellations. Sunghoon smiled as he stared up at them, remembering how one evening whilst accompanying Jake on a dog walk, the boy he now sort had told him how Artemis had placed several of them into the heavens - which ones, Sunghoon didn't know, but he was determined to ask Jake to find out. 


Jake sat on a park bench awaiting the arrival of his mother. The view, where he sat, he had been told was spectacular but to Jake, who knew so little about London, he  failed to see any majesty from the vantage point of Primrose Hill. 

The city which stretched out in every direction before him likely held a million stories happening simultaneously but at that moment Jake was only interested in one, his. Such was his self obsession that even when he watched a young woman ask a young man for directions he was immediately thought back to the story Sunghoon had made up to cover up their relationship from the prying eyes of Jay and Heeseung. 

With his mind lost to his memory Jake was taken by surprise when a person joined him on his bench. Turning, he saw his mother staring down at the couple Jake was watching. "Do you reckon he'll ask for her number?" She opened with, remarking on the couple below.

"I hope so, even from over here you can see from his posture that he likes her." Jake replied. "See how he's standing so tall, his shoulders are back to make himself appear broad - it's obvious."

"Still as observant as ever Jakey" 

"Don't call me that please?" Jake requested, returning to watch the couple. 

"Oh... I'm sorry I didn't mean to...'

"Don't be, I'm just, trying to keep my head straight." Jake allowed himself a heavy breath before starting properly his intended conversation with his mother,  "I want to start by saying sorry. I'm not going to say that I didn't mean to hurt you because I did. However, I think that in retrospect that was perhaps a brutal a thing to do"

"Do you regret it?" she asked softly.

Jake mused on it,  "I know why I did it and placed in the same situation I can't say that I wouldn't repeat those actions."

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