Chapter 56: Misgivings, Fetishes & Birthdays 3/6

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"If you want to guess then guess?" Jake had resolved himself to try and match the new found confidence emanating from Sunghoon. Considering that moments before he had looked like an out of place baby deer, that was nervously inspecting its new surroundings - his transformation into brash and nonchalant was impressive.

It had been more than a little surprising to hear Sunghoon talking so frankly and initially Jake was taken aback. However, in the moment it takes a thought to process in one's mind, Jake realised that Sunghoon was putting on an act, a show, of sorts, to entice Kwanyhok to having a conversation with them.

"Hmm," mused Namil, "Life modelling?"

"Maybe you like skinny dipping?" Suggested Kwanhyok

"Skinny dipping? Not quite" answered Jake.

"Not yet" Sunghoon tried to offer as a correction, making Jake blush a little

"Well?" Asked Kwanyhok, his face displaying a curiosity.

Jake didn't know whether the real answer of merely changing after swimming would satisfy the present company's intrigue. Whilst he posited on this, Sunghoon offered his suggestion. "Well he's trying to impress me - obviously!" Sunghoon spoke with a mischievous tone,  "We going swimming together and he can't keep his clothes on when he's around me"

Jake's mouth opened at the audacity of Sunghoon to spin the reality of their history 180 degrees, manipulating their story to make it seem like it was him make all the bold advances. Jake was intuitively about to say something in protestation of Sunghoon's fabricated narrative when Kwanyhok spoke first, "But it's working?" He asked Sunghoon.

Sunghoon looked at Jake, giving him a smirk before returning his gaze to answer the question, "It certainly would be if someone wasn't so insistent on keep things 'casual'", he emphasised the last word with air quotation marks made with his free hand.

"Casual?" Namil asked, his face quickly became very interested. Judging by the manner in which Namil had been engaging with the topic Jake presumed him too to be inclined towards the same sex.

"Yes - it's so we have time to 'experiment'" Sunghoon again, finishing his sentence with the air quotation gesture.

"Really Sunghoon - experiment?" Jake said, reprimanding his friend, they were playing a part - yes, but Jake had to keep reminding himself of this as Sunghoon continued to jibe him.

"Your words not mine" Sunghoon lied, giving him a wink.

"Experiment?" Kwanhyok asked after taking a sip of what Jake presumed to be champagne, "How have you experimented thus far?"

"Well..." Sunghoon was no doubt about to make up something else but found himself being interrupted by Jake, who had immediately sifted through his memories from his sordid internet search history back in Australia.

"Well Sunghoon here likes to experiment with role play."

"Role play?" Kwanhyok and Namil said in unison, turning to Sunghoon who held their stare and returned one of this evenings characteristic shrugs.

"Oh I've had to be  everything..." Jake begun "...from the tennis coach scolding the insulant student, the food delivery boy on an awful night's weather, the aggressive step brother..."

"Let's not forget the priest and the choir boy atoning for his sins" Sunghoon chimed in, upping the anti. 

"Scandalous" Kyanhyok commented

"Indeed" agreed Sunghoon

"Sacrilegious" Namil added

"Definitely" Jake said with a grin, "The problem is, Hoonie over here hasn't yet found anyone to do be play the role of the  tired, pent up step-father."

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