Chapter 101: Repentant Church-mouse 1/7

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A/N: Hi guys, hope you're doing well. Sorry, I forgot to say thank you for the responses to my last question post - it means a lot that you guys took the time to answer. So big thanks and love to  @JaeyunsLoves, @blueb3rry8, @haikyuufan2902, @LeglessChicken, @Linaasiya, @LovelyJakey, @IlanderSupremacy, @laylashim_thedog.

Jay smiled as he walked down the empty moonlit streets. The alcohol in his system was waining and he now had control over his thoughts. He felt happy and resolved in himself. It hadn't being much but by taking Jungwon home instead of complaining about being abandoned he had been able to make a wonderful evening in spite of the circumstances. His only regret was not using the kindness shown by Jungwon's mum to spend even more time with him.

He wanted to get to know her. After all of the stories Jungwon had told him, her character had been  painted as some kind of witch. Jay was familiar enough with his own parents to know that children have unique relationships with the people whom they call mother or father. The opportunity to get to know Jungwon's mum might help develop his relationship with the boy and that was something he knew he wanted, not that Jay could ever admit that anyone.

The familiarisation with Jungwon's family would have to wait until later, Jay was sure he would be able to engineer more time with him. For now Jay wanted to focus on being able to use his newfound agency to impact his life.

Maybe Jungkook had been right, it might be simple but the first step was getting a job. It didn't have to be 'the job' it just had to be something. Sure everyone wanted to work in a shiny office armed with a desk and a fixed routine but that wasn't going to be available to Jay. 

It would be easier and more within his repertoire to try and help people. He might not have too many skills as-of-yet but he did have the desire to do good. Maybe he could baby-sit, or dog walk, or...

A chime from his pocket interrupted his train of thought.

Jay checked his phone to see that the Saturday night was close to passing into Sunday. A solitary message notification sat idly on his Lock Screen. He instinctively checked it and found that it was  from  Eunju. It was weird, his mind had been so caught up with himself and with Jungwon that he had almost forgotten that he had a girlfriend. 

'Hey Jay!!! How was your day? Are you doing anything tomorrow?? I miss you Xx' (Sent 23:22)

Jay smirked upon reading it. The girl was sweet but the message was basic. 'Was that a bad thing?' Jay asked himself, he liked the girl but he almost felt like the relationship was obligatory rather than something more organic.

Jay let out a sigh and, knowing the time, he closed his phone, realising there was no impetus to reply without knowing what to say.

Returning to his thoughts, Jay plodded home through the dormant suburbs. Despite the fact that his mind was racing dreamy and happy thoughts, his subconscious kept forcing to check behind him - like he was leaving something behind.

In the crisp silent air the clarity cleared his mind. Tonight he was his best self, that had been brought about by a desire to protect Jungwon.

Jay stopped at a set of traffic lights. Instead of waiting for them to turn green he instead looked behind himself and concluded that if being there for Jungwon was the key to bettering himself then that was what he would do. Swearing a silent oath, Jay promised himself and the night that he would look after Jungwon. The boy was precious to him and Jay would be damned if anything ever happened to him.

The undertaking at the time seemed small but the further Jay walked the more his mind wondered over how far he would go to protect Jungwon.


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