Chapter 33: Disclosure in the Shower 3/3

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Jake listened to Sunghoon munch on his cereal bar as they walked through the brisk morning streets to school. Another Friday morning and another pre-school swimming lesson awaited them. Usually Sunghoon was talkative despite the early hour - today however, he had barely said a word since they had met up that morning. Jake had decided that something was up.

'Perhaps' Jake posited 'Sunghoon was tired after the events of yesterday' that seemed plausible. It must have being particularly nerve racking to go into someone's home, rummage through their parent's belongings and take what you need all under their watch. Still, Jake couldn't escape the feeling that Sunghoon had something more pertinent on his mind.

"You good Sunghoon?" Jake finally managed the stomach to ask.

"Yeah - why? Are you?" Sunghoon replied, in between a bite of his bar.

"You seem kind of spaced out dude. Are you tired or something? Oh and yeah, I'm cool".

"Nah, just thinking about stuff"


"Family stuff, sorry if I'm not being responsive, it's  just ah, it's a lot"

"We can talk about it if... if you want someone to talk to?"

"Thanks man, I might take you up on that." There was a brief pause before the normal Sunghoon returned, "So what do you think we should demand from Heeseung in return for the massive favour he now owes us?"

The pair of friends laughed over increasingly outlandish demands that  they could think of. Ultimately they settled their decision as they headed into the pool - three wishes would be their choice, one for Sunghoon, one for Jake and one for them to share.

Jake inflicted a rigorous session on his friend, swimming whilst keeping one's arms flat and only using their legs to propel them. Jake had his reasons, he wanted to give himself time to make sure his body was at its peak for the upcoming First Team game he had been called up for The result of this program was that they didn't speak much over the course of the session.


Sunghoon felt the warm feeling that he had during the swimming session wash away as the shower water fell over him. He was in his favourite place, showering next to 'Jaeyun' but he was nervous. The audacious Sunghoon of last week who had confidently bared himself was an alien to his current self. Letting out a loud sigh, Sunghoon was surprised to learn that 'Jaeyun' could hear him. "Are you alright Hoonie?" A concerned voice spoke through the sound of the shower water hitting the floor.

Sunghoon tried to consider his answer but his heart lifting inside of him forced an answer from his lips, "I'm... I'm not okay Jaeyun"

"Then let's talk?"

"Okay." Sunghoon hesitated 


"Sorry, I don't know how to say this but I'm struggling to find a girl to..." Sunghoon tried stopping himself but he could already feel the safety net  of lies starting to envelop him

"To?" 'Jaeyun' asked.

"To, you know, to think about"

"What, you mean like?"

"Yeah - like that"

"Oh. Why? Is it difficult? Aren't we both 18 - our libidos are through the roof!"

"Haha, yeah the libido's still here, just it's..."

'Jaeyun' interrupted him again, "so you're still jerking off?"

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