Chapter 71: Vengeful Spirit 3/3

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A/N Referenced Warning 2. [See Contents & Chapter Summary for details]

Jake woke. He was in a new bed, the unfamiliar linen immediately alerting him to his new surroundings. He had arrived in the early morning where he had, on leaving the airport, eventually found a cheap hotel that had vacancies. He had taken a room and spent the next day sleeping.

He was unsure how long he had slept for but as it was dark outside. He presumed he had slept long enough for the short, winter day to have gone into night once more. It was his first time in London and it felt weird using English again to communicate.

Even though it was his first language his accent singled him out to be the outsider he was.

The journey from Korea had taken a long time, a layover had cost him a day and it was now Tuesday evening, which meant he had two full days between now and his brother's wedding on Friday.

Hungering for food, having barely eaten since leaving Jungkook's on Sunday, Jake was reminded by how much he hated being alone. For several weeks he could always have relied upon Jungkook for everything, the roof over his head, the bed on which he slept and the copious amounts of food that was routinely brought into his room at, an admittedly irregular frequency.

The hotel room was small but adequate, located slightly to the west of the city's centre or, as the locals called it 'Zone 1.'

Unzipping his kitbag he changed out of the boxers he'd worn for the past few days, putting on a new pair before catching a glance at himself in a small mirror. He was tired, despite all the sleeping the travel had taken it out of him. The sadness inside of him didn't help his appearance.

When Jake had slept, his dreams had been restless. He was afraid of his family and worried that he had made a huge mistake in abandoning Jungkook and Sunghoon. He had separated himself from his pack, not in an attempt to make amends with his family but to be gone from them for good - to save them from him.

When his belly growled, Jake was reminded that he needed to get some food so he got dressed and left the hotel. The streets were cold, dark and crowded in that neighbourhood. The demographics were far more cosmopolitan in make up than he had experienced before, though despite variance in ethnicity, everyone wore the same cold face.

Finding himself a fast food restaurant Jake ordered himself a burger before sitting and consuming his meal whilst facing out into the street. Pulling out his phone, he took a long deep breath and texted his brother.


Sunghoon gave a half smile as he read that Jay had received his message about him being ill today. He didn't see the point in going to school any more - in truth, he didn't see the point in anything.

The pain he felt was unbearable, the feeling of losing one's mind was inconsolable  While Sunghoon's body and mind where becoming weaker the burdens weighing on him were become heavier.

He waited down the street from his apartment building, watching lazily to see his parents and sister leave for work and school. Whilst waiting, Sunghoon saw many other people leave, their faces familiar. He watched Gi go out, looking totally put together and focused. She didn't see him however, he was hidden, just out of sight.

When he did see his family leave together, a bell of sadness rung through him. Watching them pass out of sight he mouthed a silent 'goodbye' to them before returning home.


Jake didn't expect a response so soon. It was already midnight and he was walking down the street after finishing his food, heading back to his hotel room for more rest when his phone begun to ring. Anxiety and nerves spread through him as he picked up.

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