Chapter 40: The Peppermint Kiss 7/7

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Sunghoon walked with Jake down the residential street. This suburb was far away from where they lived and they had had to use the Subway Network to reach Heeseung's grandparents' house. 

On the outside Sunghoon had maintained the silence that was afforded to him by being nearly out of breath from when they had run from the police. Inside however his heart was beating quickly. Why had Yun asked Jake to kiss him? More importantly why had Jake said nothing about it? Sunghoon knew that Jake had previous for remembering off-hand comments from when he was drunk and was liable to not demonstrate his awareness. 

"Well that was an eventful evening" Jake said cheerfully, having caught his breath.

"Yeah, I never thought I'd have ever any interactions with the police, let alone run away from them - still I guess it's an anecdote?" Sunghoon replied.

"You're right - adding that to getting knocked out on Friday,  this weekend is shaping up as a nice story"

"Well let's hope we have had our fill of excitement. I'm sure we've had quite enough for a few weeks yet."

"Oh, I don't know Hoonie - we've still got to get home - who knows what awaits us."

As they crossed a large road into a more densely built up district Sunghoon reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of gum. Putting  it into his mouth he  followed Jake into the City.

"Woah check that out" Jake said, pointing at an LED billboard. The screen was three dimensional and thus allowed a depth that made the visuals seem real. Mesmerising waves on the screen looked as if they were about to splash out and deposit a whale onto the street.

"It's awesome" Sunghoon said in agreement  under his breath. The evening was drawing in and the sky was becoming pinker. As they walked down the city streets they became reticent to the awakening nightlife. Groups of adults meandering into bars and clubs filled the streets.

It was nice to see people rendezvous outside of restaurants, embracing each other to signify their delight at linking up with their people. Sunghoon wondered if he and Jake might stick out, they were the only teenagers amongst the sea of adults. Couples sat in cafe seating engaged in conversation while singles waited eagerly for their dates to arrive.

The smells of hot food and liquor, the crowds of people, the delivery drivers bringing bags of ice, the promoters trying to generate interest for their employments all with a backing track provided by music that was different at each establishment. It was all alien to Sunghoon but nice to have Jake by his side for his first encounters with nightlife. 

"So reckon Heeseung's mum has killed him yet?" Jake asked.

"Hmmm - no, he's alive - death would absolve him of cleaning up" Sunghoon countered.

"Ha. Want to bet on what his punishment is?"

"Hmmm" Sunghoon mused, "you mean like getting grounded?"

"Grounded?" Jake said incredulously, "I'm talking about castration!"

Sunghoon laughed into a smile as they came upon a river walk. Pedestrianised streets ran alongside the water's edge. The sea of people in each others company moved Sunghoon somewhat - so many people, happy and free. "Man I can't wait to be an adult" He said.

"Why's that?" Jake asked.

"Look at everyone, they all seems so happy"

"That's because it's the weekend, a few hours respite from the day to day"

Sunghoon was surprised by the cynicism coming from his friend. "Okay, I'll bite - what's on your mind?"

"Huh?" Jake wasn't expecting the question, "Nothing, I just am surprised by your excessive positivity"

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