Chapter 59: Precipice 6/6

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A/N Referenced  Warning 1. [See Contents & Chapter Summary for details]

The next week passed by slowly. Rehearsals every evening coupled with the days getting shorter as the year headed towards its terminus made it very tiring. Despite the arduous nature of everyday life the relationship, if Jake could call it that, with Sunghoon was so relaxed and easy going that it cast everything in a positive light.

There was a new found level of ease shared between them. It didn't feel as if they were hiding something anymore - it was more coincidental that no one asked. Of course that didn't extend to any public displays of affection that might have signalled that they were more than friends. Sure, they perhaps waited a little too long to remove their hands from one another after an affectionate shoulder rub but it was subtle and no one noticed.

'No one' didn't extend to Yun or Sunoo however, who, during the hours spent rehearsing, would give them both raised eyebrows any time they caught Jake with Sunghoon. Although under their glare, Jake didn't feel embarrassed, and simply responded with a casual smile or, when he was feeling more audacious, a wink.

Now that Sunghoon had alerted him to the improvements he believed himself to be making Jake took more time to appraise and consider him. On their walks to and from school they spoke less about idle gossip and more about grades or subjects that Sunghoon was becoming more and more confident in. Jake had watched with pride in English when Sunghoon had spoken directly and with conviction in the foreign language.

He had a similar feeling when Sunghoon had stood on stage alone, delivered a relatively long monologue expertly, several times in a row, as the lighting team were attempting to get their queues correct.

As he took his seat to the left of Gi, in a new ice skating rink to watch Sunghoon's figure skating competition, Jake wondered if he'd have that same feeling once more today.

"Aww, look who showed up!" Gi said, announcing Jake's arrival to Sunghoon's family who were sat to her right.

"Ah Jaeyun!" Sunghoon's mother was the first to speak, "It's so nice that you would come and support Sunghoon. Please let me introduce you to my parents"

Jake was introduced to an elderly couple who were sat with them. He saw Gi give him a devious smile when Sunghoon's mother used 'Good friend' to describe Jake's relationship with Sunghoon.


Sunghoon breathed in the cold air that was rising up off the ice. He used it to still his nervous heart. He glanced over at the competition, among them was a competitor who was ranked top in the country in their age group.

Everyone had being polite despite not being overly talkative in the build up to the competition. Sunghoon ran his routine through his head once more, closing his eyes he pictured every move. Whilst imagining himself jumping, he tensed his calf muscles to make sure that they were still there. Laughing at himself when they were he looked up to the stands where is family were sat.

He saw his grandparents, Yegi, his parents, Gi and Jake, sitting awkwardly on the edge of his seat looking intently at the adults who were conversing about something... 'probably me' he concluded. Sunghoon found his eyes transfixed on Jake. 'It's the first time meeting the family' he thought, 'oh please don't embarrass me mum' Sunghoon prayed.

As if by some divine intervention Jake turned his head to stare straight at Sunghoon, catching him looking back at him. Jake gave him a smile and mouthed "good luck". Sunghoon thumped his right hand on his chest and gave him a raised thumb in recognition of the warm wish.

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