Chapter 48: The Hickey 1/6

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Sunghoon's heart was beating fast. The salty taste of Jake's neck remained on his tongue and it was all he could think about. He imagined he felt  as a sharks must feel when they have  the scent of some succulent prey's blood strong in their nose.

He descended down the stairs from floor thirteen. As each flight came and went, it felt like they were going on forever. Sunghoon didn't mind however because he wasn't alone. His pray, Jake, was following behind. The sound of his shoes hitting the concrete echoed in time with his own footsteps.

Sunghoon would periodically allow himself a glance back at Jake and would find that he was staring right back at him. Each glance produced a moment of eye contact that confirmed his desires. The butterflies in his stomach raced, it would be almost uncomfortable if they weren't so ticklish Sunghoon believed he'd probably feel sick. He felt the butterflies rise up his chest and when the tickling sensation reached his heart - the feeling was euphoric.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs, Sunghoon looked out through the glass doors of the apartment building. It was still the early morning, they were in no rush for school. He stopped in his tracks, turning to see Jake following close behind.

In that moment Sunghoon knew what he wanted to do. He felt a new strength within him will him to impede Jake from passing by. He saw the surprise on Jake's face grow as he grabbed him by his shirt and lead him away.

Sunghoon pulled Jake into the elevator. His racing heartbeat distracted him for a moment and he must of subconsciously closed the door as they were suddenly alone together in the confined space of the cabin. Jake didn't say anything, he just begun unbuttoning his shirt. Sunghoon begun following suit but he was impatient, so much so that he was ignoring the elevator's alarm bells that were ringing.

Pushing against Jake, Sunghoon traced his hand down the exposed torso. The skin was so soft, almost like water or even air. As his fingers trailed down the abdomen Sunghoon's mind reached a level of conviction to go further. Sunghoon push his hand below Jake's waist, he couldn't resist his desire to feel... nothing.

The taught fabric he had expected to find wasn't there. Sunghoon fumbled around Jake's body, trying to find the part of his anatomy he desired. He became confused, unsure of himself like a blind mouse. His dampened senses weren't helped by that damned alarm. 'That damned alarm' Sunghoon thought to himself, it sounded so familiar, it sounded like...

Sunghoon's eyes opened and the dreamscape washed away from his vision instantly. The beeping coming from his bedside alarm was producing a sound he loathed. Removing his right hand from under his pillow, Sunghoon fumbled with the alarm until it ceased.

Returned to silence, Sunghoon exhaled deeply. He listened to the still air in his room, in it the only sound was his racing heart. He groaned in disappointment at the premature ending of his dream, he had been enjoying that one.

In one move he stretched his legs out from under his duvet and  braced himself for another day of school.

"Good morning" Sunghoon said to Jake when they met on the landing later that day.

"Morning, Hoonie - sleep well?"

Sunghoon nodded, "Yeah, I had a good dream"

"Well that's good, but no day dreaming today - remember you've got to use all that English I taught you for today's test!"

Sunghoon went to lengths to assure Jake that he hadn't forgotten last night's teachings as they descended the stairs for what felt like the second time that day. Despite holding conversation with Jake, Sunghoon's mind did drift back to his earlier dream. Looking at the elevator door Sunghoon wondered what Jake would do if he ever did try to make a move like those from his fantasies.

Sunghoon presumed, in all likelihood that he'd receive a black eye and a bloody nose. In the morning before school a teenage boy was tired. Irrespective of any other hormones still in their system their primary desire was to sleep. It wasn't until lunch time Sunghoon believed, that he truly became awake.

"Hoonie" Jake said, somewhat abruptly as they walked along an empty morning street.


"Um" Jake seemed hesitant.

"I... I need to tell you something"

"What is it?"

"Do you remember last night?"

"You mean the English lesson?"

"Yeah... after that, when you..."

"Yeah, I remember - what about it?"

"You left a mark"

"I did? Sorry man, if it helps I can't really see it from here" Sunghoon said whilst looking across at Jake's neck. There were several marks on his neck but they didn't seem overly obvious to Sunghoon.

"I know, I think it'll be okay today but last night...". Sunghoon stopped as he predicted what would come next. "Jungkook saw them and I..."

Sunghoon turned to Jake who was also now stationary. "Jungkook saw them and?"

"Well, he kinda knew they were from you"

"What? How could he?"

"Hoonie! They weren't there when he gave us the hot chocolate, then when he came in after you'd left the were there. He's not stupid"

Sunghoon took a moment to process the information, he felt his heart drop as he cursed himself to be more careful. He didn't want a mistake like this to screw things up with Jake. "What did he say? Is he okay with... us?"

"Yeah I think so and he'll keep our secret but you've got to be more careful in future"

"In the future? So you're cool with me giving you..."

Jake cut him off with a raised hand, as if he was about to deliver a speech. A speech that never came as Jake's face turned into a smile, likely in memory of being on the receiving ends of Sunghoon's affections.

'Oh God that smile' Sunghoon thought to himself as he saw it directed at him. He pinched Jake's cheek to reciprocate the mood, "You're cute" he declared before returning to walk. Jake smiled at the compliment and continued with him on their way to school. 

After a few moments Sunghoon felt the need to apologise to Jake about creating the situation with Jungkook. Jake in turn explained that he wasn't mad about it as it allowed him to have a much needed conversation with Jungkook about several things.

Jake had asked him if there was anyone he wanted to tell, so that he might have someone to talk about things with, should the need arise. Sunghoon had said he didn't have anyone in mind, as an introvert he was used to relying on himself when it came to dealing with his problems.

"Not even Gi?" Jake had asked.

"Ummm, I don't know - we talk about many things but I don't know if she'd be good at talking about..."

"About?"Jake leaned on the word.

"Men stuff?" Sunghoon said sheepishly.

"Men stuff?!" Jake asked loudly.

"You know - guy on guy things" 

"GUY ON GUY THINGS????" Shouted a voice coming  from a nearby bush.


Jakehoon fanfic 8.1

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