Chapter 26: Addicted to Mondays 1/5

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Sunghoon acknowledged that looking forward to school of Monday morning was odd. He felt like he'd spent every Sunday evening of the past thirteen years dreading the early start and the boredom that school reliably presented. However, as he got ready for school his mood was different, he was excited.

Ever since their Friday night dinner he had counted down the moments until he would be in 'Jaeyun's' company once more. When they saw one another before walking to school that morning he had felt his body react to seeing his friend. The feeling was sudden. Upon reflection, Sunghoon realised it was the feeling one gets after the first sip of their favourite drink or eating their first bight of their favourite food, the 'I needed that' sensation.

Sunghoon was just enjoying 'Jaeyun's' company. He enjoyed just listening to 'Jaeyun' and Jay make idle chat. That was until they were caught completely off guard when they entered the school's gates. "Sunghoon, Jaeyun - Over here!" Sunoo called out. He was stood with Yun peering over his shoulder staring his phone.

Jay noticed he had not being called and, feigning insult, left them to their hail. "What's up guys? Nice weekend?" 'Jaeyun' asked the pair as they met one another.

"Yes, yes - it was fine." Sunoo answered, "On to more important matters. You wanted to find out about Donghyun - and why Youngsoon gave him a hard drive"

"Uh - we didn't tell you about the hard drive" Sunghoon said, remembering explicitly that they had avoided telling Sunoo more than was necessary owing to his reputation as a gossip.

"I told him" Yun said sheepishly, "he kept demanding to know why we were curious" 

'Jaeyun' was evidently more interested in what Sunoo knew rather than why, "C'mon Sunoo - what do you know?"

"Well, I know that the only thing that connects Youngsoon and Donghyun is that their fathers work for the same company"

The answer produced a shrug from 'Jaeyun'. Sunghoon had no idea what this was supposed to mean or why it could be important. 

As if reading their minds, Sunoo continued. "The reason why this is important is that Donghyun's father used to work with Heeseung's mother as partners of their law firm before moving a year and a half ago to another firm - where the senior partner is Youngsoon's father. Now this is were it gets bad" Sunoo went on to say, "Heeseung's mother is currently representing a client who's fighting a case against someone being represented by Donghyun's father."

"So you think the hard drive might be involved in all of this?" Yun was the first to raise a question.

Sunoo shrugged, "Maybe - maybe not. You don't even know if it was a hard drive let alone what was on it."

'Jaeyun' was typically straightforward, "So I guess we need to find out what that 'hard drive was - which means we need to get hold of..."

"Donghyun!" Yun said

"Youngsoon!" Sunghoon followed up.

They both said the name of the person they wanted to prosecute. Their imminent argument provoked a smug smile from Sunoo who left 'Jaeyun' to the disagreeing duo.

"We can't just go and ask Donghyun - we don't even know him!" Sunghoon began.

"Sure but Youngsoon doesn't have the hard drive or whatever it is. We need to know where it is, that means we need Donghyun" Yun retorted.

"The only way we're going to get to Donghyun is through Yongsoon though." said Sunghoon.

"But won't the three of us speaking to her raise suspicions from Heeseung? If she's innocent it's unfair to put that on their relationship" Yun countered. 

"Sure but if she was innocent she wouldn't have hid behind the tree where we saw them. You didn't see them so you can't know how incriminating it was" Sunghoon argued 

"A girl has plenty of reasons to hide, to be discreet. She might have being trying to avoid randoms coming and trying to kiss h..."

"Enough!" 'Jaeyun' ordered, raising his voice to silence his friends. Startled by hearing him in a manner they were not accosted to, they silently regarded him, "You're both right, we need Donghyun but the only way to him in through Yongsoon, she'll introduce us to him."

"And why is she going to that?" Asked Yun

"Um..." 'Jaeyun' thought for a moment. "you're going to speak to her and" he then begun scratching his wrist, he was nervous, "say that you like Donghyn and want to be introduced to him"

"WHAT???" Both Yun and Sunghoon said in unison. Shocked by 'Jaeyun's' proposal. 

Yun was not pleased about the plan, she refused for a while on grounds of sexism, honour and basic self respect. She eventually calmed when she was persuaded by 'Jaeyun' that it would be the most expedient method of meeting Donghyun whilst also innocuously eliciting useful information about him. If Yongsoon agreed to arrange the meeting, Sunghoon and 'Jaeyun' would trail them until Yongsoon had left, when they would join Yun's interrogation of Donghyun.

While at first 'Jaeyun's' proposal had sounded mad, Sunghoon was impressed by his ability to win round his audience. To assert with confidence was admirable. Having the charisma required  to take control of a situation was inspiring. Sitting in the back of the classroom later that morning Sunghoon realised that he was beginning to find 'Jaeyun's' leadership qualities sexy. 


Jakehoon fanfic 4.1

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