Chapter 94: Making it in the New World 1/7

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Jake didn't have a chance to finish his customary 'good morning' to Sunghoon. His boyfriend had planted a kiss on him which served to vaporise the remaining embers of sleep in the dreary teenager. Such was Sunghoon's momentum that Jake was forced to take a step backwards into the door he had yet to properly close. 

Trying to keep his balance, he was soon enough able to return the enthusiasm, allowing Sunghoon's eager tongue access to his mouth. The taste of mint was strong, indicative of a set of teeth that had only just being brushed. Jake liked the flavour and found himself drinking in the minty saliva. 

"Ahem!" a large cough interrupted them from behind. Jake didn't wait to give Jungkook any more satisfaction from embarrassing them and so mustered some energy and pushed Sunghoon forwards, pulling the door-handle with him to shut the door properly this time. 

As they fell against Sunghoon's front door opposite Jake felt the hand of his boyfriend run through his hair. 

"You're going to mess it up" Jake whispered whilst taking a breath. 

"I don't care, you look hot regardless" Sunghoon muttered before pulling him into another kiss. 

'This is different' Jake thought to himself. This Sunghoon wasn't the shy teenager just happy to say 'good morning' this one was  feral and dominated by lust. Jake could feel his own body react to the hormonal teenager before him. A swelling of endorphins in his lower abdomen caused him to leat out a groan of pleasure. The urges were becoming stronger and Jake gripped both of the straps of Sunghoon's rucksack and pulled them towards him. 

In the embrace the action created there bodies were brought together. Racing heart felt racing heart.

"Do we have to go to school?" Jake asked, his voice was breathless due to the heaving caused by the butterflies his chest was struggling to contain. 

"Urghhhhh - prob..." Sunghoon begun before wiping excess saliva from his mouth. "probably, we've got to get ready for our mocks."

Sighing at the reasoning, Jake slumped and took a step backwards. "You're right" he muttered, trying to fix his hair without the aid of a mirror. "So, uh - you going to tell me what that was about?" 

"What? I need a reason to kiss you now?"Sunghoon gave him the appropriate look to accompany his 'smart answer.'

Jake smiled at the smug face opposite him. "No, of course not just... it was a little surprising" Jake said before starting off down the stairs. 

"What? Surprising that I can't keep my hands off you?" Sunghoon asked as he begun following him.

"Bruh - there's a kiss and then there's, well - what were you going to do? Try and screw me infront of Jungkook?"

Laughter echoed the staircase before Sunghoon answered, "Well - is that an offer?"

"Absolutely not!"

"Yeah, our first time should at least be slightly romantic..."

Jake silently tried to gulp but found he was biting his lip in trepidation at the nature of the conversation. Sex was a natural progression for them but it was such a leap and he still felt they were some way off. There was so much to work out, it was scary and... 'change the topic' Jake's mind singled to him. "Want to go to Church this Sunday?"

Sunghoon coughed, "That's your idea of a setting for a romantic first time. To be honest Jake, I kind of dig..."

"SHUT IT IDIOT! That's not what I meant, I'm going to go with Jungkook and was wondering if you'd like to come"

"Of course I'd like to 'come' " Sunghoon leant on the final word before sniggering. 

"Not like that, and cut that out before someone hears us or I'll dump you before we see Jay"

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