Chapter 105: Outed 5/7

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Sunghoon eyes were fixed on Jake. His boyfriend was trying his best to explain to a group of their friends that the large number of teenagers and drinks in this basement were producing mist and clouds. Sunhgoon had no idea what he was on about, he wasn't the physicist and never cared much for the subject. That being said he was just happy to watch Jake talk, laugh and smile. 

They had abandoned their positions as barmen, leaving the bottles of alcohol to whomever wanted them. Sure Sunoo would be angry but how many more parties did they have left to enjoy? It wouldn't be fair that he and Jake were the only sober people in the room. Sunoo would definitely understand. 

Taking another sip, Sunghoon's hearing drifted off. His mind became more focused on the sight of Jake before him. He looked him up and down, without thinking he licked his lips in excitement. Such was his focus that he failed to notice Jungwon running from the fire escape. 

If he had seen and known why he was running he would have surely helped for he was running to contain the one secret he and and Jake were keeping from everyone else in that room.


Jungwon ran like his life depended on it. The earlier feelings of fatigue and sickness had receded as they no longer mattered. All that mattered was catching Donghyun and Insu. 

Should he fight them? 

Should he steal Insu's phone? 

So far, neither was an option as they had both gotten a head start on him. The priority was to catch Insu, Jungwon thought as he rebounded off a wall to get round a gaggle on 17 year olds. 

His longtime time bullies had proved even more devilish than he had imagined and were making a swift escape to the exit.

They had listened to everything, or enough of everything to discern Jake's and Sunghoon's relationship. More than that, Donghyun had learned about the role all of them had played in a ruse to steal from his father. Donghyun had likely felt guilty or had gotten into crazy trouble because of that incident.. 

If Donghyun wanted revenge he should settle it like a man, but someone like Donghyun lacked honour - Jungwon knew this, his adversary would want pain and humiliation like he had likely suffered, but increased by several degrees of magnitude 

 Insu, the gawking, slab was always too eager to cause pain - he didn't care at who's expense it was although it was probable that he got particular joy from causing Jungwon distress. Jungwon couldn't help but regret that their feud had lead to this. Was he going to be responsible because of Insu's personal dislike of him. 

Shaking his head clear of the thoughts  all Jungwon could do was chase them. His feet hurt, his legs ached and his stomach churned but he wouldn't give up. The music from the party provided a motivating soundtrack to his run, with it playing Jungwon refused to stop moving. 

Ducking and weaving through the malaise of partygoers the chase took them to the half opened garage door they had entered through. Jungwon watched as Donghyun, followed closely by Insu  ducked beneath the shutter and disappeared out of sight into the nightlight. 

Without pausing to slow down, Jungwon whacked into the metal of the door, using the impact from his clattering into the hard surface to slow him quickly and violently before crouching to follow them outside. 

The  cold air smacked into him but Jungwon took hardly any notice, his mind was alert, trying to hunt down his prey.  Standing and scanning the area a voice tried to interrupt him, "Jungwon!?!"

"Not now Minki" Jungwon said without looking to acknowledge his friend or possible suitor. "Have you seen a pair boys from my year just leave?"

"Huh, I mean probably" Minki replied.

"No, I mean - they just came through they were probably running" Jungwon explained whilst eagerly bouncing on the balls of his feet and searching the area.

With no answer forthcoming from Minki, Jungwon decided he couldn't wait. They had taken either the large ramp or the steps he had arrived on, there were only two exits after all.

Jungwon didn't have time to waste and began clambering to the top of the stairs. Upon reaching the street level he looked left and right. In both directions the street lamps went on forever into the night. Dappled golden light trailed alongside the near empty roads - he couldn't see either of the boys anywhere. 

Worried and reduced to instinct Jungwon ran in the direction he allowed his gut to lead him in. Tired and desperate, he refused to relent. Tonight he couldn't fail - this was on him.


It was Monday morning, the final moments of their last pre-lunch class and Jake was returning from a toilet break. It was his habit to always go before the lunch time rush, most teachers were strict enough to not allow their pupils the usage of the school's facilities so close to a recess period. Jake's teacher on the other hand had been thrilled by his diligent application to his studies he had undertaken since being reprimanded by them the term before. 

Hoping to only have time to pack his bags on returning to the classroom, Jake was surprised to feel a tangible reaction from his class on returning to the room. There was no pre-lunch animation and instead it was as if the whole class had all taken in a giant breath and was too afraid to exhale. 

The strange stillness in the room was palpable as he scanned the room whilst heading back to his desk. Most of the eyes in the room tracked him as he went, the only person not watching him was Yun. His desk-partner had her eyes glued to her text book, like she was trying to avoid looking up. She had been in an odd mood all day but now it was bizarre. 

Upon reaching his seat, Jake allowed himself another glance back at his class. Sunghoon was ghostly and Jay steely eyed, both deep in thought - something was up. 

What exactly Jake wasn't sure until he sat at his desk. Without saying anything Yun slid across her phone beneath him. Gazing down was a messenger app, Jake saw it displaying photos of Yun and Jungwon and... 

Jake froze and looked back to Sunghoon. At a second glance his boyfriend looked like death. 

It was them, both of them. They'd been found out. 

Jake, terrified and shaking, turned  back to the phone screen. There was a video too, not that he could play it in the classroom but the text  that was attached to the photos and videos said enough and though the conjecture was limited the heading was sufficient: 

"Jeon Jaeyun and Park Sunghoon are dating" 


Jakehoon fanfic 17.5

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