Chapter 13: Bros to the Close 1/7

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Jake closed his eyes, he had been watching Jungkook play his game on the TV for the past 40 minutes and was falling into a slumber, whilst curled up with Artemis. He felt safe, secure and above all else tired. This apartment already felt like home - even though he had only being a resident there for little over a week. It was odd to him how so quickly his life had transformed and how speedily he had assimilated into the lives of these new people, Jungkook, Sunghoon across the hallway - he was a part of their everyday now. As he begun to fall asleep he could only feel one emotion emanating from his chest - gratitude.

The next day was different from the several before. Saturday, historically allowed him a restful morning, Jungkook however did not. Having asserted that today was 'his day', once the morning chores of breakfast and dog walking had been completed Jungkook had taken Jake to the shopping centre. Not for a purpose that Jake was familiar with. Jungkook had been coy on the details beyond telling him "you'll see me for the hyper-nerd I am".

Of all the things that had happened in the past few days; jumping off a bridge, the whirlwind of events, the variety of people, none of them confused Jake more than what he was looking at currently. Jungkook had always seemed to be an easy going, extroverted, effortlessly cool young man but here he was taking plastic miniature models out of a bag and putting them onto a table which itself had miniature scaled trees and buildings.

Opposite him were two other men, both a little older and far less good looking. From their brief interaction when Jungkook had introduced 'Jaeyun' to them Jake could see that they were the least personable people he'd met so far. Jungkook had told him that they were going to engage in a game of what amounted to 'toy soldiers'. The prospect of watching several grown men spend their weekends engaged in this activity didn't thrill Jake but he knew he wasn't in a position to complain, not after all that Jungkook had done for him.

"Where's you teammate 'Kook?" The larger of Jungkook's opponents asked.

"Yeah, where's the kid?" The other asked.

Jungkook checked his phone, "Chill. He's coming, he's just with his grandmother"

Jake mused at who 'the kid' might be, everyone other than Jungkook here displayed questionable standards of hygiene and the smell had taken a moment too long to get acclimatised to. "Curry" a voice suddenly called out, prompting Jungkook to turn suddenly. "What do you mean Curry?" Jungkook asked in the direction of the voice.

A short teenager emerged through the store door with a backpack and a plastic bag containing Tupperware containers. With dimples the likes of which had to be seen to believed. He walked in with a charming charisma. "My grandmother made us curry today" the newcomer said to Jungkook hoisting up the plastic bag he held.

"Well tell your grandmother I continue to be in her debt. Oh before I forget this is Jaeyun, he's staying with me" Jake was surprised, it was the first time Jungkook had introduced him without any pretence - to this sixteen year old. Jake felt a peculiar spike of vulnerability rush through him.

Those nerves were quashed when the boy rolled up his sleeves and presented his hand to Jake. "Yang Jungwon - a pleasure to meet to you."

Jake watch Jungwon and Jungkook play their game against the assembled opponents. They had a charismatic dynamic, hand shakes and an amusing commentary. Jake had tried to follow the dice rolls and tape measuring until boredom consumed him and he found himself leaning against a shelf staring into his phone. Without thinking about it Jake found himself drafting a text to Sunghoon. 'Have you messaged her yet?'. Sunghoon had been successful yesterday in getting Yun's number. He had announced it at lunch with such excitement and pride it had seen forced.

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