Chapter 25: Alibis and Answers 6/6

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Jake was waiting for a knock from Sunghoon. He was sat with Artemis lying comfortably on his lap. He was both excited and nervous about the prospect of meeting Sunghoon's family. Jake had spent the late afternoon going through his story in his mind, trying to pick flaws in it. It was difficult to keep his mind straight and this was demonstrated as his left leg kept shaking in anticipation.

'Knock, knock' - though he was expecting them, the knocks still made Jake jump, causing Artemis to leap from his lap. Jake patted some of the dog hair off of his clothes and he went to answer the door.

"Ready?" Sunghoon asked upon Jake opening the door.

"Yup. I think so"

"Don't be nervous dude, it'll be cool."

Jake was obviously showing his nerves and he felt Sunghoon's hand massage his right shoulder in an effort to calm him. "Thanks man. I'll be fine" Jake took one last breath, "Oh and one question?"

"What is it?"

"Can I call you Hoonie in front of your parents"

The answer was a firm 'no'. Sunghoon lead Jake across the hallway and into his apartment. It was Jake's first time entering an apartment that he'd seen so many times from the hallway. The layout was not dissimilar from Jungkook's although it seemed like there were more rooms, creating a more cramped environment.

Hearing the front door close a women in the second half of middle age turned from her cooking station to greet them, "You must be Jaeyun - I've heard so much about you?"

"Good stuff, I hope?" Jake countered jokingly as he was taken into a warm embrace.

"This is my mum" said Sunghoon in an embarrassed tone off to the side.

Sunghoon's mum withdrew from the hug and offered Jake something to drink, he declined, opting to wait until they ate. Sunghoon's father was running a few minutes late and so Jake was taken to be introduced to Sunghoon's thirteen year old sister, Yeji. Sunghoon had knocked on her door before opening and declaring, "and this is Yeji". Poor Yeji had no control over her introduction and instead was interrupted as she lay in bed on her laptop - not presenting the first impression she would have wanted. Jake smiled at her while she was only able to blush in reply owing to her predicament.

After ambushing Yeji, Sunghoon lead Jake to his room. Jake received the standard introduction, 'and this is where the magic happens'. The room was a deep blue that had clearly being Sunghoon's for many years. Jake could tell it had evolved with him as there were still boxes of toys alongside figure skating medals, movie posters shared wall space with a child's drawing of dinosaurs. 

"I'm not sure I could ever stay the night?" Jake joked, pointing at the single bed. 

"Haha, no - sleepovers will have to be at yours, this would be a tad too intimate." Sunghoon said smiling at the suggestion.

Jake liked the room, it resembled its owner, it was chaotic but balanced. "You guys have been friends a long time?" Jake asked, pointing at a photograph of Jay, Heeseung and Sunghoon at a concert. In the photo they looked closer to Yeji's age if not younger than her.

"Yeah, we've grown up together - they're almost like brothers at this point"

"That's cool - nice to have people you can talk about anything with"

"Eh..." Sunghoon scratched the back of his head, the way Jake had learned he did whenever he felt uncomfortable, "I can should I say I could? Now it sort of feels like they've matured more quickly than me and I've being left behind."

"What do you mean?" Jake asked, genuinely curious.

"It's like they know themselves, but I'm still trying to figure out who I am?" Sunghoon sat against his bed as he reflected.

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