Chapter 96: The Birds and The Bees 3/7

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Jay was trembling. His hands were fidgeting with the kitchen work-surface as he tried to muster the courage to speak to his mum. She was only standing a metre away, slicing a piece of fish with a rather sharp kitchen knife. 

Biting his lip in trepidation, Jay listened as it sliced flesh with ease. 'That'll be me if I get this wrong' he thought to himself. 'Still, he'd told Jungwon that he would do it and....' 

"I don't think it's a good idea to go to university this year" Jay didn't wait a second more and spoke to the room. 

A silent pause filled the air. The rhythm of his mothers slicing ceased for the briefest of moments, but it was noticeable. 

"Why?" She asked after resuming her preparations. 

"Because, I am worried that my expected grades are much better than my actual ones will be"

"So? The worst thing that happens is that you fail to get them and then try again next year" She responded, she had yet to turn around - Jay was thankful for that, it was easier to communicate with her back rather than trying to stare her in the eye. 

"I...." Jay's mouth was suddenly dry, "I actually don't think I want to go to university. I think I might try and pursue a...." Jay ceased as he noticed his mother begin to turn and look at him. He gulped. "a..." he tried unsuccessfully to continue. 

"...And what do you think you'll do? Sit on your arse all day?" 

"I... no, I would...'

"You would do what Jay?"

"I'd pursue something I was passionate about"

"Something you're passionate about? Like what? Your dance?" her facial expression as if in disbelief at the suggestion, " If you were really good you'd have being picked up by an agency by now, like your friend Heeseung" 

Jay wanted to say that he'd never had the body confidence to audition but speaking of such things would only embarrass himself further. "Mum?" Jay said after several long moments of contemplation, pleading more than requesting to speak once more. 

Instead she had turned back to the dinner she was preparing. "Surprise us and get a placing at an agency and THEN I will talk with your father about this, but until then - you have still got to apply for universities."


Horror. That was the only word Sunghoon could think to describe the conversation he was having. If he had been asked as to why his father decided to have 'The Talk' he would have said because his father wanted to have some fun at his expense rather than because he wanted to be helpful to his virgin son.Sunghoon could tell this by the huge smile that was planted on his father's face.

"Now, don't get me wrong - there's nothing wrong with having an active sex life but you have to be safe and you have to understand the limits of the human body" 

Sunghoon winced as he listened, nails digging into the sofa cushion he sat on. 

"You've never had sex right?" His father asked. 

Silence was the only answer Sunghoon could muster, looking down at the glass of water that hadn't being touched on the coffee table. 

"I'm going to take that as a no. It's alright - you're not late or anything - it's better to wait until you've found someone you like and trust then to just try and get the first time over with. Now tell me Sunghoon, do you know what this is?"

Sunghoon allowed his eyes to glance up at the silver packet his father held between two fingers on his right hand.

 "I know what a condom is dad and..." A moment of realisation cross Sunghoon's mind, "Wait  why do you have that?" 

"What do you mean why?" His father asked, feigning shock that his son would ask such a question. "Oh, you think your mother and I are too old to be having sex?" 

Sunghoon felt himself forget to breath at the shock as the latest piece of information made him want to throw up. He nervously glanced at the door to his parents bedroom and shivered. 

His actions were obviously watched and enjoyed by his father who let out a full and strong laugh. 

"I... I need some air" Sunghoon declared, standing up even as his head felt nauseous at the thoughts that now dwelled there.

"Where are you going?" His father asked. 

 "We're not doing this now dad!"

"Then when?"

"Never" Sunghoon replied as he headed for the door of their apartment. 

"But wait..." his father begun just as the front door was opened, "we haven't even talked about alcohol induced erectile disfunction and I know you teenagers like to drink!"

Sunghoon gripped the door handle tightly and slammed the door. 


Jake was having fun, Niki was having fun and Jungkook - well he was now curled up with Artemis looking nervously at the floor as the two boys spoke about him. 

A man such as Jungkook loved being in control, it was always him who was first to make a joke at someone else's expense. For all of his kind heart Jungkook loved nothing more than to ridicule. Which is why it was such a cause for enjoyment for Jake that  had the opportunity to speak with Niki.

 It was apparent why Niki and Jungkook got on despite their significant age gap. Niki had a blunt, unforgiving style which he only expanded upon if it made the stories funnier or humiliated Jungkook further. The stories he was recounting all concerned various anecdotes Jungkook had shared with him over the years. Stories he hadn't shared with Jake.

Jungkook had been keen to state that Niki was embellishing it all to make him seem worse than than he was. Jake didn't care. 

Niki's stories were hilarious but while the ones concerning some older friend of Jungkook's called Jin were easily the most surreal, the stories of Jungkook's high school friend Jimmin  were the most intriguing. 

Jake had seen as Jungkook pushed his face further and further into Artemis's ruff as the conversation had turned to 'Jimmin.' Jake's eyes widened at the regaling of a fast and furious relationship that was casting a different light on the man he thought he knew intimately. Niki had met Jungkook and the aforementioned Jimmin in Tokyo a few years back.  "They weren't just friends" Niki insisted. 

Several loud knocks on the door suddenly interrupted Jake's interrogation of Niki. 

"Jake!" Sunghoon's voice called from the other side of the door. Jake looked to the door and in a moment of distraction felt as Jungkook seized the headset from him. 

"Ow" Jake muttered at the action before standing up and  walking to the door. He failed to open it as slowly as he would have liked as Sunghoon barged in. He was as flushed with pink as Jungkook. "Arghhh" Sunghoon wined as he embraced Jake. 

"Woah, dude - what is it?" Jake asked, steadying himself from the force of the hug. 

"It's my dad, he's trying to have 'the talk' with me?" 

"The talk?" Jake asked, ignorant of what that meant. 

"He means he was talking about sex, presumably how to have safe sex... with you!" Jungkook said from the sofa as Artemis had now gotten away from him to greet Sunghoon. 

Jake's eyes turned to look up into Sunghoon's. He had grown since they had first met and now was substantially taller than him. They locked eyes timidly and curiously before Jake spoke, "Sex?" 


Jakehoon fanfic 16.3

A/N: Arghhh, I'm so slow now. Sorry, sorry, sorry for being slow and sorry this is short - with luck the next one will be soon, life has just gotten so busy, I had to genuinely the girl who I'm dating to slow down as I was becoming exhausted. [I can't do 2 x 14 hour+ dates in three days] 

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