Chapter 57: Happy Birthday 4/6

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A/N: Sorry for being really slow of late, I'm trying to speed up but keep getting flawed by something. Hope you're all doing better than me! 

Sunghoon gazed out of the taxi window. Rain dripped slowly down the glass that was growing fogged from the condensation brought about by his breath. They had left the fundraiser quickly, Jungkook having done what he needed to do had opted for calling out to a regular cab  Instead of waiting for the type of executive vehicle that had brought them there. 

Tired and pensive, Sunghoon listened to Jake and Jungkook chat about their evenings. Jungkook's success was being scrutinised by Jake, who was arguing that Kwanhyok seemed like a good guy - to which Jungkook gave one of his routine parables about 'Good guys being the worst guys'.

Only a small part of their conversation was picked up by Sunghoon. He was thinking about Jake, the imparting of the information that it was his birthday was a deal. Sunghoon wasn't yet quite sure if it was a big deal or not - when Jake had told him, it was slipped into the conversation, as an aside. While at first a casual action, Sunghoon was familiar enough with humans to know that important things are most frequently 'slipped into conversation'.

Sunghoon had never previously cared about making a great deal about a birthday before. Not his own, nor his family or his friends. Sporadically, he would surprise everyone by producing some over-the-top present for Yeji but that was only when he remembered. For the majority of the time, birthdays of those around him, had a habit of surprising him. Considering he was presently infatuated with Jake, Sunghoon felt it might be nice to make a big deal of it. While Jake didn't seem like the type to enjoy exaggerated and over-the-top celebrations, he might enjoy being forced to have a nice time.

'But how to celebrate?' That was now the question Sunghoon tried to drive to the forefront of his mind. Unfortunately it was competing with the revelation that Jake was his senior, albeit not by much but by some. Sunghoon had never really imagined who was older between them before. He had, he supposed subconsciously, that he was older - having a few inches of height over Jake.'Did the age difference, however minor, alter their dynamic?' Surely not, Sunghoon didn't think so but would Jake?

'Don't over think things' Sunghoon reminded himself as he noticed the familiar sight of the ice rink pass them by. Exhaling deeply, he allowed his ears to return to listen to his two companions talk so he could distract his mind.


Jake wondered if anyone was watching him. If they were would they think that he looked cool? He must admit he felt like it. Walking a large white dog, late at night, in the rain, in a tux - was he currently living a movie? He was glad that he had the responsibility of walking Artemis for her evening walk, not only did it absolve him of the morning walk which would require him to get up at a reasonable hour, it also meant he got some time alone in darkness.

In that setting he would allow is mind to wonder. Fantasies, like becoming the world's greatest soccer player or its most loved musician could be played in his head to the beat of tired footsteps.

This night, his thoughts were channeled along more realistic paths. The evening that he had had, when reviewed in silence, presented many potential opportunities. When Jake had come to Korea, he had done so not knowing what he wanted to do, only that he wanted to start again. Now that he was here and he was having doors thrust before him, the tantalising prospect of opening them and journeying down a new path  was becoming more and more real.

In meeting Namil and Kwanhyok he now had the makings of a thread that he might use to pull himself into a career in either politics or law. Jake felt himself smile, if his parents could see him now, hell if his brother could see him now would they be surprised? Impressed?. Little Jake, little, disappointing Jake - had prospects.

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