Chapter 41: Caught in the Act 1/7

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The sound of the elevator rising through the insides of the building was the only noise inside the compartment. Jake pulled back from the kiss. Gasping for air he leant against the door. Exhaling his eyes locked with Sunghoon's and he let out a heavy breath through a smile. The expression conveyed his pleasure and that was seemingly all Sunghoon needed to launch himself into Round Two.

Every interaction of this nature they had engaged in up until this point has being initiated by Jake. He had felt out of the two of them he was the more assertive, more open to taking chances and risks. This context meant he was surprised when Sunghoon came towards him. Jake watched as Sunghoon placed his left hand against the door to the right of him. Sunghoon had clearly watched one too many movies and Jake couldn't help but giggle.

The giggle coming from Jake made Sunghoon laugh and the two shared the warm moist air trapped between them. Jake felt Sunghoon brush his nose against his. The back and forth reminded Jake on just how soft one's nose was. Jake instinctively leaned his head to allow Sunghoon renewed access to his lips.

To his surprise but not his displeasure Jake found that Sunghoon spent only moments on them. A kiss was planted on his cheek, then another below his jaw, and then another and another. Fingers tapped lightly against his abdomen. Jake tried his best to reciprocate. The advantage of sharing a sex with Sunghoon allowed Jake home-field advantage. Knowing the secret spots of one's anatomy that someone belonging to the opposite sex wouldn't think of. Jake reached one hand behind Sunghoon's neck and scratched his shoulders in order to further excite his friend.

The testosterone inside the compartment rebounded off of its four walls. Heightened energies exaggerated the enjoyment both boys were feeling in that moment. The sensual tension was brought to an abrupt and premature end when the door opened onto their landing.

Jake almost fell backward before regaining his footing. The pair looked at one another for a moment, taking in what they had just done. That kiss couldn't be swept under the rug as some learning experience, that kiss meant something to Jake and in all likelihood to Sunghoon - it certainly felt like that. What it meant however, neither Jake nor his racing heart knew.

"Okay, so the elevator's a bit different to the stairs" Jake joked, walking towards his front door.

Sunghoon smiled, putting his tongue in his cheek as he followed Jake. Due to their front doors being opposite the other Sunghoon quipped,"I'd invite you in for coffee but you know..."

"...Parents" Jake finished for him, pulling a cartoonishly sad expression, "well - with luck.. we can continue this later?"

"I'd like that" Sunghoon answered. "Good night Jake" and he opened his front door and went in.

"Night Hoonie" Jake responded, opening his.

Jake saw that Jungkook was, as expected, sat with his headset on playing video games. Jungkook sniffed the air twice, "Oh, you're back early" he said, turning his head to consider Jake.

"Is it that early? It's almost 11."

"Hey, I don't know maybe your generation likes to sleep well - I thought parties are meant to go on until the AM"

"It wasn't that" Jake said moving as if to go to his room, "Heeseung's got raided by the police"

"LOL what?" Jungkook asked, genuine surprise across his face.

"Ah, no idea, I'll tell you about it in a little bit, just need to go to the bathroom - Hoonie and I walked all the way home so I haven't had a chance to relieve myself"

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