Chapter 35: Not Saying Anything 2/7

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Compulsory mathematics classes have a tendency to be boring. In such an environment one can find themselves staring aimlessly out of the window, dreaming of a successful future or wishing the past had panned out differently. Such mental diversions were far easier to succumb to when what was on your mind had recently occurred.

Sunghoon's eyes had scarcely left the toughened glass that formed the material of the window. That morning had gone so fast and he had relived it every five minutes since then. He had now the sense of relief that someone other than him knew his sexuality wasn't black and white. Also he had obtained the comforting knowledge that Jake accepted him as a close friend regardless of his orientation or any feelings he held towards him. There was, in addition, the not insubstantial revelation that  his friend's real name was Jake. Why Jake had felt the need to hide this, Sunghoon didn't yet know. Given that Sunghoon had examined, to the best of his ability, every part of Jake's anatomy it was captivating that there was still so much more to be discovered.

Sunghoon realised that, in revealing his name, Jake had avoided answering any questions on his sexuality. It would have been so easy for Jake to say that he was straight and he was still his friend but he hadn't. Naturally there were a million potential reasons for someone not to say that, not least that Jake was trying to open up about his name but still, without a clear cut clarification and with no rejection to his advances, Sunghoon realised that his heart was now set on pursuing Jake because there might just be a chance of success.

Sunghoon leaned back on his chair. He was fortunate to have a seat in the back-right corner of the classroom and so would often lean against the wall despite being constantly told not to by any teacher who saw him. Resting his head against the wall Sunghoon imagined the potential reasons for Jake to hide his identity, as it was certain now that's what he was doing.

Sunghoon had his suspicions since  when he discovered that Jake or 'Jaeyun', as he had been when they had met, had no historic social media.

All that Sunghoon did know was that Jake had revealed his name to him. That at least confirmed Sunghoon's hope that there existed  some degree of specialness in their relationship. How special? Sunghoon was keen to explore.

Jake might be an unknown quantity but he was also the only person whom Sunghoon had ever kissed, the only person Sunghoon had ever seen naked in the flesh and as of right now Jake was the only person on his mind. With that, Sunghoon found himself replaying the events of the morning once more.

"Yes, Sunghoon" - the teacher responded to Sunghoon who had raised his hand in order to ask a question.

'May I be excused? I need to use the bathroom"


Jake succeeded in picking up a piece of rice between his fingers that had slipped off his plate. It was lunch and much to the surprise of Heeseung, Sunghoon and him, Jay had joined the school's dance club. Jay's enthusiasm towards this endeavour was exemplified by his inability to shut up about it.

Popping the piece of rice straight into his mouth Jake decided he would tell Jungwon the next time he was saw them that Jay was obsessed with the club. It would no doubt make Jungwon smile. Perhaps he would get a chance today should Jungwon be at the game later. The first team's matches often attracted a large crowd of spectators. This would be a new experience for Jake, as besides for a few eager parents, no one came to watch the Second's matches.

The game was going to be hard work but Jake was looking forward to it. Even since revealing first to Jungkook and then to Sunghoon his real name he had felt anxious that he brought about additional suspicion and his identity might soon be revealed. While he was happy that he had told them both, he held within him a degree of fear as to what honesty might bring him. In the game later that fear would be no concern. He would be able to focus his mind entirely on the match playing as the team's Number 23. 

Comforted by this realisation, Jake smiled before asking the table, "So you guys are coming to the game later?" cutting Jay off mid sentence.

"Of course!" Sunghoon was, as he expected, first to answer, patting his hand on Jake's back in affirmation. It was fun for Jake to know that Sunghoon had an attraction towards him. He had yet to properly digest the ramifications of this. While he didn't think any differently of Sunghoon as he had had his suspicions before, he did realise that he might have to think a little  about what this meant for himself. He thought about Sunghoon - a lot, more than he had thought about anyone recently. 'Is it that simple?' Jake thought, 'does having someone as my main focus mean I'm attracted to them? Does this mean I might be..."

"..Sure I'll be there" Jay answered, interrupting Jake's train of thought.

"Me too." Heeseung said, " Also I'm going to need your guys'  help tomorrow?"

"Help? With what" Jay asked.

"The party!" Heeseung responded as if it was obvious, "We can't have it at my place so I'm being allowed to host it at my grandparent's city house. They live out in the countryside now so it might be really dusty."

"You want us to help you dust a house?" Jake asked quizzically, "I don't know if a rabble of teenage boys would be good at that"

"Well regardless, it's too bad as Jake and I can't" - Sunghoon's declaration surprised Jake as he didn't know they had plans.

"Why not?" Heeseung queried.

Sunghoon elaborated, "Because we've got our three wishes. Our shared wish is to not help you dust"

"Really - that's out wish?" Jake asked, looking at his friend smiling.

"C'mon guys that's a bit unfair..." Heeseung pined.

"Unfortunately, you shouldn't have dated Yongsoon - I've being telling you she was bad news since Day One." Sunghoon said smarmily.

"Why would he have taken advice from Sir Singlealot himself?" Jay asked jokingly.

"Yeah" Heeseung chimed in, "It's like you almost want to be single - what happened with Yun anyway?"

There was a moment of silence as all eyes landed on Sunghoon's now awkward and red face. Jake decided to come to his friends rescue with a joke, "Didn't you guys hear - he got her pregnant?"

"I doubt it, no one would let Sunghoon see them naked less he make a model of them in Minecraft" Jay joked. Forcing laughter from Heeseung. Jake chuckled knowingly to himself, pushing is tongue into his cheek to control his smile.

"Screw you. Screw you. You're cool - I'm out" Sunghoon said through an embarrassed smile while pointing at Jay, Heeseung and Jake sequentially before leaving and heading to his next class. His departure came with a chorus of laughter from the table due to his perceived inability to take the joke.

"Wow, when did he get so sassy?" Jay asked through the laughing.

"When he found someone better for him than Yun probably" Jake smiled.

"What?" Jay and Heeseung asked in unison. Jake responded with a shrug and an expression that said 'I'm not saying anything'. 

"No you can't leave it a that" Pressed Heeseung. 

Jake realised  he'd already said a little too much. "Oh nothing, just she's not his type... If you want to see what his type is you  should see his computer, it's total filth." Jake obfuscated and deflected. "Anyway, I need to rush - see you guys later". Jake hurried away from the table leaving Jay and Heeseung more than a little confused.


Jakehoon fanfic 6.2

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