Chapter 22: Who do you want to be? 3/6

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"Niki want's to know if you two are dating?" The question caught Jake off guard and he almost dropped the two pizza boxes he was holding as he arrived into the apartment.

Jake pulled a face of confusion, "what?"

"Niki" Jungkook pointed at the gaming headset he wore on his head.

"Yeah who's that?"

"The kid I play video games with - I tell him everything"

"And he wants to know?..."

"If you and Sunghoon are dating, yeah?"

A flood of anguish fell over Jake, the anguish turned into suspicion. Narrowing his eyes he focused on Jungkook accusingly, "what have you told him?"

"Woah - don't give me that look!" Jungkook demanded, "I just tell him what's going on - he's like a confidante"

"A what?"

"Someone who I can talk to about anything"

"Didn't you just say he was a kid?"

"I did, but this is the internet and we've saved each others skin so many times on here I practically trust him with my life" Jungkook gestured at the television, "we're basically brothers." Jake considered this silently. "C'mon Jaeyun - I have to have someone I can tell all the crazy goings on in my life to"

"Hey! You've got me!" Jake took offence that Jungkook didn't feel he could talk to him after all they were going through. Protesting he took a seat next to Jungkook, dropping his body hard onto the sofa.

"Heck. You are one of the crazy things going on in my life" Jungkook said with a smile, taking a box of pizza that was offered to him, "thanks by the way, I'll pay you back"

"Don't worry about it", Jake opened his box and begun to eat when he heard a noise from Jungkook's headset.

"Niki says he still wants to know" Jungkook stated with a smile and a mouth half full of pizza.

"Know what?"

"If you and Sunghoon are dating, I already said this. He knows you two always hang out together, that you went ice skating tonight, go swimming together - heck you slept together"

"NOT LIKE THAT WE DIDN'T!" Jake exclaimed in an exasperated fashion.

His reaction brought more laughter from Jungkook who then relayed it to the voice in his head. "Yeah - he thinks you're in the denial"

"But we didn't sleep together, we just slept in the the same bed." Jungkook rolled his eyes at Jake's protestations. "And no, we're not dating"

"Well that took a long time coming" Jungkook remarked. He then erupted in laughter owing no doubt to snarky remark coming from the voice in his ear.

"What about you? Are you seeing anyone" Jake decided to turn the tables and enquire about Jungkook's personal life.

"Nope - I'm a lone wolf, a free spirit. Hey shut up!"

Jake eyes widened in shock. "I didn't say anything"

"Not you - him. Okay this is getting too difficult. 'Night Niki". Jungkook removed his headset and then rotated his body to face Jake. He was still dressed in his suit, he'd removed his shoes unbuttoned his shirt a little and loosened his tie but he was still weirdly smart. "I don't really think I'm a good fit for people" The irony Jake thought as he looked at the exceptional man before him.

"Oh come off it" Jake protested, "You're like the kindest, most generous person I've ever met."

"Oh, is that how I seem - well that's good, that's what I strive to be"

The Boy From The Bridge - JakehoonWhere stories live. Discover now