Chapter 109: Runaways and Showers 2/5

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Jake watched a bead of water drip helplessly from Jungwon's hair. It landed with a splat that was loud enough to distract Jake and pull his vision to the floor. He was unsure how to react. Before him was a vulnerable teenager, alone and wet.

The boy wore a sodden white shirt that was so soaked by the rain it had become transparent and his  body seemed meagre and needy.  

There was a uncanny familiarity to Jungwon's state which reminded Jake of how he must have seemed to Jungkook when he had been found. The striking difference was the bravado Jake had tried to show whereas Jungwon was desperate for help. 

Jake supposed it was that Jungwon was the more honest of the two of them. Jake had felt like Jungwon looked - he had just being too proud and full of himself to show it. Looking at Jungwon there, Jake couldn't imagine that the young boy was capable of hospitalising two other teenagers.

Instinctively Jake took a step back and offered the towel he was carrying to Jungwon. 

"Tea is ready." Jake heard Jungkook call. Hearing the man speak he took a step back from the door. He did so in a way to indicate that Jungwon was to follow him in. 

Jungwon took his first step and Jake felt himself wince at the sound of the squelch that Jungwon's shoes made. 

Turning in the direction of the kitchen area, Jake saw Jungkook begin to turn around. The man froze momentarily, caught off-guard with surprise at the sight of Jungwon. In a moment however he put down the mug of tea and rushed towards the boy. 

Jake stood to one side and allowed Jungkook the room to attend to Jungwon. Jungkook thrust his arms around him before franticly rubbing his back in an effort to create warmth through friction.  Noticing the chill in the air that was coming from the hallway, Jake quietly shut the door behind Jungwon. 

"What? What happened?" Jungkook asked. 

There was no reply forthcoming and sound of the rubbing fabric only ceased upon the arrival of Artemis to the area in front of the door, sniffing curiously at the familiar legs of Jungwon only served to weaken them further. Jake watched as Jungwon soon required Jungkook's strength for supply. 

"Jungwon?" Jungkook repeated. 

"I fucked up." Jungwon said before burying his face into Jungkook shoulder and beginning to sob.

Jungkook ceased the rubbing motion and instead opted to tighten his embrace. Whist doing so he looked up and caught Jake's eye. "Order some pizza" Jungkook commanded. 


Sunghoon listened to the sound of the door closing across the hallway, 'Has Jake got a visitor?' he wondered to himself as he sat upright at the family dining table. 

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Yeji asked as she placed a rice bowl and a pair of chopsticks in front of him. Both of their parents were at the hospital once again and the routine  where the younger of the Park siblings took care of meals for them both was being followed. 

Sunghoon felt uneasy that she was the far more robust and self sufficient of them, despite being the younger one. 

"What?" He asked back. 

"Don't what me brother! What's wrong?" Yeji repeated her question with the peculiar authority a younger sibling can command. "You have barely said anything since getting home and your face looks like death." 

Sunghoon sighed as he tentatively picked up the chopsticks. "It's... um"

He was taking too long with his answer that Yeji grew impatient and barked, "Did you guys break up?" 

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