Beautiful With Scars And All

Start from the beginning

"There is nothing going on between Sebastian and I." I said after a while and sighed in relief when we reached the beach, the parking lots filled with cars and people in their bikinis and beachwear.

Sebastian and his crew were leaning against his car, the cheerleaders squad surrounding them but surprisingly enough I didn't feel jealous or anything. I parked my car in an empty spot and turned off the engine, turning around to grab my shuffle bag the same time Jackson did and we ended up knocking our heads together.

"Ouch!" I winced while laughing and pushed him away playfully. "You're going to pay if I get a bump Jackson." He rolled his eyes and grabbed my shuffle bag. "I can carry that myself you know." I twisted around with my hand on the steer wheel and the other one on the seat.

"I want to carry it anyways." He grabbed his own shuffle bag and opened the door, getting out. I shook my head at him and grabbed my phone and wallet, pulling the keys out of the keyhole. I pulled at the handle and pushed the door open, getting out.

Jackson smirked at me before putting on his shades and slumped the shuffle bags on his back, strolling toward the beach. I shook my head at him and put my sunglasses on, pushing the door close and locked the doors.

I rounded the car and followed behind him, the students staring at us in confusion. Jackson and I haven't been talking for years and then suddenly I came with him to the beach gathering. Of course people would be staring at us weirdly.

I caught up with him and hooked my arm under his but I didn't know that this friendly gesture would be such a big deal. Before I could react, I was yanked away from Jackson and pulled behind a big muscular body known as Sebastian Killers.

"Get away from her." He spat out bitterly and gripped my sides possessively, growling at Jackson. Jackson looked at me with an 'I thought there was nothing going on' look and turned back to look at Sebastian.

"Sebastian man, don't make a scene." Skill said as he appeared besides him with Killers staring at him alerted, just in case he strikes out of nowhere.

"Yeah, don't make a scene." I slipped out of him much to his protests and went to stand next to Jackson. "Your words were clear yesterday no? Now don't make a scene." I pushed Jackson's chest and made him turn around, walking away from them.

"For a moment there I thought you were still with him and just mad at him." He sighed deeply and hooked his arm around my shoulder, pulling me against him. "It seems that you two had a big fight."

"Something like that." I huffed tiredly as we walked down the beach and put our things on one of the empty beach beds. I felt backward on the bed with a sigh. "The beach is so relaxing." I closed my eyes when I felt the softly wind blowing against my skin and the crashing waves.

"Let's jump right in then." Jackson suggested as he leaned over, pulling his shirt over his head and tossed it on the bed. He kicked his slippers off and extended his arm. "What do you say?" I popped my eyes open, suddenly nervous but ended up taking his hand.

I kicked off my slippers and walked down the beach with him. "You're not going to take that off?" Jackson asked me with raised eyebrows. I looked around me nervously, by now everyone made their way on the beach and put their things on the free beds.

My eyes caught a shirtless Sebastian sitting on the edge of the bed with Skill next to him and Killer leaning on the wooded frame. I looked to the side and slowly move my head down as I pushed a hair behind my ear.

I nodded my head at him and stepped away a little, looking around to see if anyone was staring at me. I crossed my arms in front of me as I grabbed the edges of my cover up, pulling it up and over my head.

I closed my eyes when the cool wind brushed smoothly against my skin and opened them back when Jackson cupped my face. "You're beautiful with scars and all." I stared at him with parted lips and trailed my eyes to his lips then back up at him.

He looked down at me dumbfounded and used that as an advantage to push him inside of the water. "Gotcha!" He looked up at me in disbelieve and jaw-slacking as he pushed himself up. I widened my eyes and broke into a run with him hot on my trail.

He grabbed me from behind and raised me up by my stomach with my legs kicking in the air as I giggled. "You're going to pay for that." He walked us back toward the water with me screaming, tears running down my face from laughing too much.

He tried to throw me in the water but I clung at him like my life depended on it. "Let go Rebekah." He warned playfully and I shook my head with a smirk. "Fine then, you give me no choice." He walked us farther into the water and flung himself in.

I came back up gasping as I removed my hair from my face and screamed at him who was laughing hard and started to toss water at him. "This means war!" I flung myself at him and tried to drown him but ended up looking like a fool.

I screamed and crossed my arms with a pout. "It's not fair." I looked to the side and stomped in the water with a huff.

"Life's not fair Becky." He teased me with a stupid smirk and I splashed him with water continuously. I squealed and tried to jog out of the water but he wrapped his arms around my waist and tossed me aside.

I swam away from him and jogged out of the water with him hot on my trail. I broke into a run as I made my way toward our bed but he picked me up bridal style and jogged back in the water. "Jackson no!" I pounded at his chest as I kicked my feet. "You're going down."

"Sure I am." He teased me lightly as he looked down with a smile on his face. "Okay I won't throw you in the water." I sighed in relief at that and turned to look at him when he put me down. "You know how much I want to kiss you right now?"

"Jackson..." He put a finger on my lips and slowly started to lean in, his lips brushing against mine. "We can't." My forearms were pressed against his chest and his hands were wrapped around my waist. "I'm sorry."

I pulled away from him and grabbed my cover up from the ground, slipping it back on. "I need to go for a walk." I tiptoed and kissed him on his cheek, my hand lingering on his shoulder as I walked past him.

I walked on the shore with my hands moving around and my feet kicking the sand aside. I brought my hands up to brush my wet hair away from my face and sighed loudly, my hand trailing down my neck to grab my pendant.

I huffed tiredly as I let go of my pendant, continuing to walk further away from the beach gathering. When I was far away enough, I slumped down on the white sand and brought my legs to my chest, looking at the horizon.

"You know you can't go far, what if something happens to you? No one would be able to know besides me." A voice I knew too much said as the person slumped next to me, his head cocked aside to stare at me.

"I thought you letting me go didn't include that, it doesn't matter anymore if I go far or not." I answered him still staring at the horizon. "You're a coward you know, breaking things off with me over the phone? Such a dick move."

"I couldn't face you." He turned away from me when I turned to look at him and sighed deeply. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, me too."

The Heart Wants What It Wants *Completed* (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now