92)The Expression Witch

Start from the beginning

Chris got to the centre of town and looked around and saw everyone still going about their day as if nothing was happening. People getting Ice-creams with their families while they chatted

He saw Elijah laughing with Jeremy as a van drove past him with Lexi at the wheel "Hey, Chris" She spoke while driving off

Chris then got blasted forward onto the ground and landed with a groan "Oh Chris. I know you've went up against powerful beings before, but this is the fight you were always afraid to have. With yourself" He laughed on a nearby roof as Chris got himself off the ground in the middle of the road

"I have this book you know that has a list of every current or potential supernatural. I read it a lot while trapped in your stupid mind" Vamp Chris then waved his hands and a book appeared floating infront of himself. He was magically flicking through "Hmm, Vampires, Doppelgangers, Heratics, Tribrid ooo, that looks interesting. Ahh here it is"

"The Expression Witch isn't forged or created, he is born out of Expression itself. Controlling one of the darkest magic known to all witches everywhere straight from birth!" He read out loud to him

Chris noted about something he read to him 'born'? He questioned in his head "If you knew as much as you think you did!" Chris shouted at him "You'd know I wasn't born with this! I was manipulated by a crazy guys named Shane and Silas"

"Your powers exceed that of an Original Tribrid!" He carried on reading "Eventually becoming powerful enough to end all supernaturals as we know it. Even all life"

"Aren't you listening! That isn't me!" Chris shouted

Vamp Chris scoffed at him "You manifest Expression to your will. And you expect me to believe what you say" He then shot his hand out and started to chant

Chris prepared to be hurt but when nothing came he looked around. He saw Caroline laughing and then she stopped and looked directly at Chris while gasping "Chris"


"I'm not Caroline. I'm not even anyone. But you gave me a son and maybe he could be friends with your sons?" She asked a little frightened "Only if you like that storyline" She was scared to ask "Or maybe just a casual neighbour. Literally anything, if you could just let me see him. Please"

Chris looked up at the roof "What are you doing? You making her say this"

"She, Isn't even a she. She's an it you've created and gave emotions you control. I just cut its strings you puppetering around" He explained then did the same thing to everyone around the town

Everyone stopped moving and looked at Chris as he span around. They all then had Caroline's same scared look while gathering in a circle around Chris

Vamp Chris' house:

Bonnie was rubbing her shoulder as it hurt after Kol shoved her to the ground "What is this?" She asked him looking around the room

"This is my man cave. A place to chill while he's making trouble with Chris" Kol explained while flicking through some discs "You a fan of Johnny Depp? We could watch Sweeny Todd?" He asked her

Bonnie looked at him weird and whispered to herself "Why are you so....just unnatural?" She then stood up while he was messing with the small TV in the room "How are you being controlled?" Bonnie then grabbed his head and lifted the mind control he was under

Kol then fell to the ground and shook his head. He looked up and saw Bonnie, then scuttled backwards across the ground quickly "Omg, please don't hurt me. I didn't do anything"

"Nice to meet you. Whoever you are?"

Parker Residence:

The twins were in the house looking out the window trying to witness their parents fight weird doppelgangers of their parents "Can you see them anymore?" Alex asked worryingly not being able to see Kai who was just outside but got caught up and thrown down the street

TVD: Bennett Witches -Book 1Where stories live. Discover now