A blank face overtook the look of pondering the half-demon had, and she merely stared at her fellow member.

"And could you inform me on why you're so chipper? And I mean even more than usual" she fired back.

A surprised expression made its way into the view of Raven, and then one of realization, and then one of embarrassment, and then one of shame/embarrassment/blushing.

'I'm so gonna tease her about this for the next month, when she admits to why she's like this at least'

Starfire hid her quite red face in her hands, before she slowly and shakily began to fly out of the magic users vision. "Oh no you don't"
She suddenly found herself being dragged back down to her previous spot. She looked at Raven, noticing a black energy surrounding her hand.

"Answer the question Mrs Sunshine"

A slightly panicked look adorned Starfire, as she attempted a little harder to fly away. Once realizing it was futile, she slowly craned her head to look at her friend.

"A-and if I re-refuse"
"Prepare to die"

Starfire felt the pressure on her body ease a little. She knew that the raven haired girl wouldn't actually hurt her, but this was just the way their friendship went. And Starfire valued all of her friends, yet she can also be kinda oblivious at times, which would be shown quite soon.

"So, spill it" she was once again asked. Star gave up hope of escape, and just allowed her emotions to show. "It's just that, she was right" a...dreamy? look appeared on her face, which only confused Raven even more.

"Friend Rose of course"

Now Raven had to admit she was feeling quite hurt. Did they talk about something without her? 'And why is Star acting so weird?'

"What was she right about?"
"He really is a good kisser"

"Hey guys, has anyone seen Static?"

Speedy, who was holding a cloth to the back of his head curtesy of a bat-wielding maniac, stood up from his spot on the ground as he asked this.

Starfire, who was looking for a way out of her current situation, saw this chance and took it. Flying to the centre of the ever so repeated setting known only as the rooftop, she moved her head back and forth.

"Why of course, he's right...he's right....huh....would you look at that"

"Hm?" A curious response from Speedy signalled her next words.

"He isn't here"

"Shit. He isn't here"

You had already managed to crawl your way out of the flipped over a vehicle. The smell of gasoline in the air really not helping your assumption that the car may just blow up soon.

You sat up, clutching your left shoulder as you did. Even though your right one was dislocated.

'Why is it numb?'

A small ball of panic began to form in the bottom of your stomach, as the thought that something irreversible happened to your arm wormed it's way into your thought process.

After checking yourself over and realizing that nothing was wrong, you popped your right shoulder, which had been dislocated from the impact of the crash back into place. It hurt, but the adrenaline from the whole ordeal nulled the pain, so hey look at the bright side.

You were currently looking for the body of Static Shock among the rubble that was formerly Hugo's Van. And yet-
'Where is he!'
You couldn't find him.

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