W.M - Moral Of The Story pt. 1

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"Congrats, that's amazing to hear," I tell her as I hug her in congrats. "Thank you and I'm so sorry I didn't make it upstairs. I was going to but Vision pulled me back telling me he had something to tell me and I completely forgot to send you a message," she explains. 

"It's fine," I tried to not have a bite in my tone but the slight wince of Wanda's facial expression was the proof of my failed effort. I ignore her look as I walk over to Vision patting his back, "you got it in you after all," I joke before excusing myself. I see Wanda take a step towards me in my peripheral vision but her now-boyfriend pulled her back to him, making her completely forget about me. 

Saturday, January 2nd, 2021.

I take a deep breath as I stand in front of Wanda's apartment and I take a second before I raise my fist to knock on her door three times. It's been two days since New Year's Eve and we haven't talked but she never sent me a message to cancel our weekly brunch on Saturdays or vice versa, and that's why I'm standing in front of her door with a wicker basket filled with our go-to brunch food. 

I'm taken aback when the door opened and Vision greets me with a soft smile, "who's at the door Vis?" I hear Wanda yell from somewhere in her apartment. My grip on the wicker basket tightens, she forgot. She's going to bail on me, again. She's going to push aside our tradition, again. 

"Hey, Y/n, come on in. Wanda's just getting ready," Vision says with a smile opening the door wider. "Vis?" Wanda yells in question, waiting for an answer to her question. 

"It's Y/n honey!" Vision yells back to the apartment as he encourages me to step inside which I did and I move aside for him to close the door, but I move no further into the apartment. 

"Y/n?" Wanda asks confused as she walks around the corner from her bathroom, "Hey, what are you doing here?" she asks completely confused. I swallow the mixture of sadness and anger in my throat as I look into her eyes and simply state, "it's Saturday."

"Yeah, I would know that's why Vision and I are going to the game today," she tells me in a light condescending tone as if I offended her for stating the obvious. 

"Right. I forgot," I say clearing my throat and she tilts her head in question, knowing she never mentioned her plans until now. "You two have fun. I only came here to drop off that wicker basket filled with brunch food for you and Vision like you asked," I tell her and Wanda immediately turned ghostly pale. 

"You planned brunch for us, honey? That's so sweet, thank you Y/n for bringing it," Vision says clueless and I clear my throat once again as I break the intense eye contact with Wanda and hand the basket to Vision with a small fake smile. 

"Anyway, I should get out of your hair so I'm going to go. Have fun you two," I announce and I quickly turn around opening the door to exit. 

I make it to the end of the hall when I hear the door open again accompanied by my name being yelled at by Wanda from the opposite end of the hall. I turn around to face her direction and watch as she runs over to me with a remorse look on her face, "I'm so sorry I forgot about brunch." 

"It's fine." 

"No, it's not fine," she shakes her head. 

"I'm used to it," the hurt on Wanda's face when I said that made me almost regret saying it at all but I don't. "And quite frankly, I don't know why I still try with you." 

Wanda's jaw drops slightly and I have to admit that maybe that last part was a little too harsh but she's been treating me like shit when all I do is put her before me and before anyone else. 

Wanda M. and Natasha R. One-ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin