N.R - 7 Days Till Christmas

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A/N: DISCLAIMER: I want to let y'all know that I specifically mention GxG but please know that this can also be applied to all my gentlemen, ladies, and non-binary friends. Enjoy my loves!



Hi, it's been a few days since
I saw you and I honestly
wasn't sure if I was going to
hit you up, but here I am.

Um... I think you got the wrong number. 

Wait, what? Are you being serious?

Well, seeing as I haven't given
out my personal number
to a stranger in a long time
would be the hint

This is embarrassing. I just
checked the note and
realized that I typed that
number wrong.

Ah, so someone slipped their
number in your pockets huh.

Something like that.

Sounds like you're a hotshot then.

I honestly have zero ideas what
the woman saw in me.

Oh, so you're a dude?

Who said that?

Well ... you said a woman was
interested in you ... unless ...

... unless ... I'm a woman who's
attracted to a woman?

I'm so sorry I assumed.

No worries dude.

More like dudette.

Ah, so you're female too.

Yes ma'am. Look at that, we're
close to not being strangers.

Be careful, you might start falling
in love with me.

Like that stranger who gave you
her number, huh?

Guess, I truly am a hotshot.

I guess I'll change your contact
from unknown to hotshot.

Your friends are about to see that
contact and think you're actually
dating someone behind their backs.

Would that be a problem?

At least tell me a nickname and
then proceed to pretending you
won the hotshot.

Hmm, I guess you can name me 'redhead.'

Awe, how about I do
'beautiful redhead.'

Unknown changed to 'beautiful redhead'

You haven't even seen how I look like.

My gut tells me that you're a
stunning woman. And my gut is
always right my beautiful redhead.

Your, beautiful redhead? Since
when did I became yours?

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