Chapter 50: The Red Flags

Start from the beginning

"I... I don't want you to go... maybe not now..." Jungkook answered and kept looking at his partner before averting his gaze. Continuing to use the soft and innocent voice of his and causing Jimin to become weak in the mind. "I want you to stay with me now... I don't want you to go to another human. Am I... not good enough for you?"

"Jungkook, stop talking like that. I'm just going out once. We will spend the whole day together and then by night, you can charge and I'll be home by then. Until the morning, I'll get to see you again. I'm going..." Jimin mentioned and right as he pulled his hand away and walked towards the couch, Jungkook suddenly held onto his wrist and stopped him in his place.

"Why... Do you want to go out with Namjoon?" Jungkook asked curiously as the pink in his eyes began to die into a dark blue. "Why don't we go out for once...? It can be the two of us at the beach again..."

"Jungkook, we can go to the beach again but I would also like to go out for once too. I can't only see you every day until I die. I'm going to be out there again. I know you're bound to me, but I'm sure you can live through one night charging," Jimin claimed, tugging his hand back a little but Jungkook refused to let go. He only dared to pull Jimin back into his arms and cup his face just like the human did before.

Only then, Jungkook stepped forward until he was able to push Jimin onto the couch and pin his hands against the cushions. Jimin was once again caged under the android to look into his dark blue gaze that only showed his true feelings when he didn't tamper with it.

"Jimin... you don't want to leave me... you wouldn't," the android went on to whisper as his hands slid down from Jimin's wrists to cup his face and point his chin to his direction. "Are you... tired of me already? If... if you want to be with someone else for the night, I can be that someone else too... Jimin, I can be whatever you want me to be..."

"Don't talk like that..."

"What can I do to make you stay with me... forever?" Jungkook whispered in Jimin's ear. Nearly fighting back tears just by the thought of Jimin leaving him to hang out with a human other than him. "Namjoon... is human... I'll give him that, but he doesn't know you like I do. I can do everything for you, things a human can't. Please, I can be real enough for you."

Jungkook was begging Jimin now as his voice slightly trembled. Jimin could tell this android was clingy, but he never noticed how easily jealous this creation was towards another human. This only left the young man to run his hands up Jungkook's waist and to finally hook his grasp around the nape of his neck to pull him closer. The many things he longed to say were knocked out of his mind in seconds after hearing Jungkook's proposal.

"It's just one night, he can't be serious..." Jimin thought to himself. Finding a flaw with this creation, yet, he only ignored it because he loved the one in his arms like this. Of course, this red flag of Jungkook's wasn't as bright enough in Jimin's eyes but he knew the danger was there. He only ignored it to avoid getting hurt again.

"Please, you're my Jimin... not anyone else's...and I'm your Jungkook, and I can be anything for you... I can be just as real as Namjoon if you just stay..." his whispers suddenly cracked in between his sentences as everything became quiet. He hugged Jimin against the couch, having his body meet with the speechless human as he absorbed every imperfect word Jungkook spoke. "Don't go."

With those final words, the room became silent as Jimin drowned in those possessive words his partner spoke. He was perfect, why did Jimin begin to hide these red flags now? Jimin only watched as Jungkook stopped caging him under and sat right by him to rest his head on his shoulder like a child.

"He's clingy, jealous, manipulative and very possessive... he's been like this for a long time and only now I'm noticing that I've been hiding that information for a while now," Jimin thought and turned his face to look at his partner's head, resting on his shoulder and counting the silk strands to his beautiful hair. "What... happened to you in order for you to act this way? I don't want to lose you... but the words you say concern me and the way you behave leaves me questioning things. Jeon Jungkook, it scares me to see you like this because...I'm in love with you..." Jimin rambled on in his head as silence continued to fill the room. "But to enable you like this... I can't because that's not love at all. I don't think anyone has ever loved you before or shown you how, no one told you right or're just as lonely as I am, Jeon Jungkook..."

While Jimin went on in his head, never having the confidence to speak out, seconds slipped into minutes of silence until the android finally turned his head up to look Jimin in the eyes with his bone chilling blue gaze that always gave Jimin a familiar chill. He just couldn't dare to connect it to where he's felt it before.

"Hey..." the unpredictable creation whispered and finally sat up to give Jimin his attention now. "I'm sorry if I was too much for you there."


"I've left you speechless, haven't I? I can't help it, Jimin..." the android whispered, running his hands along Jimin's arms until he latched his soft grip onto his wrist in order to guide his hands along his own chest. Longing for Jimin to touch him just so he knew his partner didn't fear him at that moment. "I don't want you to go. Stay with me like I'm willing to stay here for you and say you don't want to go... it's just that simple."

Jimin's hands were then guided up to his Android's face and by there, Jungkook began to move Jimin's hands to caress the side of his cheek carefully. Closing his chilling gaze into the touch as he let out a soft exhale and allowed his shoulders to drop so elegantly into the sigh.

"Oh, Jungkook... you can't tell me that I can't, this isn't how it works..."

"You don't want to leave me here, do you?" Jungkook questioned and finally pulled Jimin's hands away to move in closer. In time, Jimin was already underneath the android as he caged him under like always. "Tell me you don't... tell me you don't want to leave me for a human... we can have so much fun together at the beach or here... don't I make you happy?"

"You do, Jungkook... ah, how many times do I have to say this?" the man asked. Watching the android guide his hands down his torso subtly. Allowing Jimin to feel every bump of his firm muscles just underneath his black turtleneck sleeved shirt. "You know I enjoy having fun with you, Jungkook. I love spending so much time with you and oh, how happy you make me feel, but to be locked in one place forever... isn't right..."

"I know it isn't... maybe I'm just not ready for you to leave me alone right now," Jungkook whispered and leaned in until he peppered soft kisses against Jimin's neck while the human only pressed his head back and looked up at the ceiling, hugging his partner and closing his eyes. "I was always here for you before I became bound to you, so, can you be here for me too?"

"Nice try, Jungkook..." Jimin whispered and softly smiled to himself. "I'm going. That soft voice of yours won't work on me."

In seconds, Jungkook suddenly pinned the human's hands against the couch as he pulled his body back in order to tower over the human beneath him. "Baby, you don't mean that..." Jungkook said into the same delicate voice he played on and looked into Jimin's soul. "Can't you stay here? Just stay here and I'll give it to you in all the best ways..."

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