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Esmi how are they doing? So far Maura and Avery are doing well. Parker still is not out of the woods.  Babe we should contact her mother. Laura she doesn't want that.  As a mother, I would want to know. I agree, but she doesn't want that. Laura we need to respect our daughter in law's wishes.  I want to know why someone would want to poison and even kill people.  So far no deaths just alot of sick people. Initially  , Maura thought a sabatoge of her business.  Frankie have you figured out any leads yet? No..it's not our area.  Frankie true but what have you found out yet? Tommy Jane and are contacting people we know. So far no luck.  Maura might be able to help us when we can talk to her.  Until than we will have to let the authorities and FBI to figure it out.  The hell we will Frankie. Someone almost killed three of our loved ones.  Have you contacted Jackie and Richard?
Auntie Kiki did.  Gloria is looking into it too.  We all waited around for updates.  Babe I am going to stay here. I know you and Jane will be up all night working to find a clue or something.
I am going to go to subway to order some food and drinks for us all. Babe you coming? Yes.
Tommy and Drew left to get us all food.  Frankie and Jane left. Frankie's family of cousins were trickling in as well as our friends. 
Aye Jackie.  Kiki is there anymore news? I got a hold of David Swim and Joey.  I told them nor to take time off but the updates would come through me when I had any further.  No not yet.  I did hear from Jenna and Deb.  Thank you for contacting them.  It was no problem. Jenna is looking into it too from there since it was not just Maura's hotel.  She is thinking maybe a developer wants the land.  She said Maura was talking a few weeks ago about someone wanting to purchase her hotel and she declined the offer. Thanks  I will pass the information on. I  am not sure if my niece Jane is aware of it with so much happening recently. 
I hung up and called Jane immediately.
Sweetie I just got off the phone with Jackie.  She contacted Jenna and Deb. Jenna is looking into some things.  She said Maura mentioned to get recently that a developer wanted up purchase her hotel, but she declined it. Thanks Kiki.  I wasn't aware  with all the recent events. I know sweetie.  I am going to start looking too.  Auntie if you get anything,  please contact Frankie or I. I will.  Love you. Love you too.

I relayed the information to Frankie.  I contacted our investigators and had them looking into this as well.

Tommy and Drew brought enough beverages and food back from subway and Safeway grocery store.
Alright we knew more people would be here.  The sandwiches are labeled by Drew and the employee.  The water and sodas are cool. Here's the chips and napkins too.
Tommy thank you.  I am hungry. Of course you are Joey.  Whatever I  can't stay long. I will take two waters. Two bags of chips and two sandwiches to go . My teammate is outside in the ambulance.  Babe keep me updated.  I will J  stay safe. I try my best babe.
Joey kisses her wife Izzy and than leaves.

Everyone was eating.  Esmi finally came out and told is they were all improving and for us to go home.  Laura,  Kiki,  Gloria Katelyn and Juanita stayed. 
Sis keep me updated.  I will Carlo.

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