Chapter 44: The Night

Start from the beginning

      At the same time, Jungkook's head was pressed against Jimin's chest where he was able to count every beat to his heart and sync it with his. While they laid over the couch together silently, Jungkook made sure he didn't rest his whole body over the human completely since he knew that his system was built into his body and that alone will become too much for Jimin to carry. So there the android remained, planting his knees and elbows over the couch but his head was met with Jimin's gentle frame.

       This was where Jungkook wanted to be. To forget all the issues he had and the longings he chased after once his partner ran his hands along his black silk hair. As every day went by, Jungkook would envy another thing about Jimin but for now, he just couldn't think of something he wanted so badly when it came to the human being underneath and giving him all the attention he could ever want. Nothing came to mind for now other than the words Hoseok told him just earlier, those thoughts alone never seemed to go away.

       "Jungkook..." Jimin whispered. With the sound of his voice slipping into Jungkook's mind smoothly like butter, the android closed his eyes and smiled to himself. Enjoying the distraction Jimin always tended to be for his problems when he just wanted to hide away.

       "What is it?" Jungkook whispered, moving his head up to look at Jimin in his brown honey-like gaze. Right as his eyes fixed onto Jimin, he ran the tip of his fingers to caress the side of Jimin's neck where the hickey remained.

      "Jungkook, do you still think of what we did?" Jimin whispered, looking into Jungkook's eyes with yearning, bringing out the color of his brown gaze. "Because I do... I can't stop thinking of it..."

      "Does it bother you?" Jungkook asked curiously and leaned in to kiss the hickey mark over his partner's neck. "If it does... tell me and I'll never do it again, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, Jimin-"

        "It doesn't bother me at all! I can't stop thinking of it and I mean it in a good way," the human assured the creation above him while he pressed his head back, embracing the soft little kisses peppered against the side of his neck. "I just can't stop thinking of it... and becoming curious to feel it again..."

      "Do I make you obsessed with the feeling of it?" Jungkook asked. Trailing his kisses up to the young man until the tips of their noses united. "The feeling of me touching you in places I just can't describe... leaves me curious. I've never felt more alive when I'm with you. Doing that for the first time and forming a bond with you almost instantly... I just can't believe it's true."

     Jungkook's perfect sentence filling Jimin's mind left him with a smile as he ran his hand up to the side of Jungkook's face. Caressing and looking at him with just the palm of his hand kissing the places he longed to kiss next. With this action, Jimin was able to communicate through his actions. Only leaving the two in silence as the actions began to carry on with no words left to say.

       Jungkook's eyes died into a pink hue and once he thought back at the way he had Jimin underneath him before, it was enough to pick up the pace of his breathing as his lips reunited with his partner's. The way that his perfectly rounded lips met with Jimin's soft and pink kisses was passionate and filled with such a sensual need; their breathing increased, their hearts raced when their minds were filled with the memory of their bodies intertwining under the heat.

       "You can tell me what you really like... and I can give you so much more, Jimin..." Jungkook whispered in between the kisses while his free hand ran down the center of Jimin's underwear. Caressing the center where Jimin's member remained underneath. "Do you want me?"

      "Yes... of course I do... I really do..." Jimin whispered and cupped the android's face while Jungkook continued to kiss his neck. Jimin closed his eyes at that very moment, counting the endless seconds he longed to embrace for the moment he wished to relive.

      "Then, come with me..." Jungkook whispered once again and finally got off the human. By there, he led him back to the room where those memories ran wild in their heads.

     Once Jungkook laid Jimin over the bed, he leaned in and began to embrace every detail to his partner. Kissing him along his sharp collarbones and removing his sweater since he wore less now. Jimin's signature scent of a subtle lilac became the very first scent Jungkook had memorized and kept in his database for a long time.

      "Your scent... your beauty... your everything. How could you be everything I envy but also be everything I love?" Jungkook thought, running his hands down Jimin's chest until he sat up and removed his shirt.

     By the time he looked down, Jimin had already sat up to meet lips with the one he adored. Keeping his thoughts empty as he pulled him to hover over his body as the dominant once again.

      "Why don't we try another position today, hm?" Jungkook asked as he looked down at Jimin only becoming desperate to be touched and loved like before.

      "I wouldn't know any other I would be comfortable with..." Jimin whispered, hooking his arms around the nape of Jungkook's neck.

       "That's fine, I can show you... I know and if you don't like it, I'll change it. You'll know in time, but you need experience in order to find out much more," Jungkook whispered as he leaned in to whisper, dropping his elbows onto the bed and having his exposed skin touch with Jimin's. "Is that okay with you?"

      "Yes..." Jimin spoke into his breathless whisper as Jungkook made a smile and resumed locking lips with his partner. Loving the way that his heart matched Jimin's and his breathing followed along too. These were the many things Jungkook enjoyed especially when it made him feel closer to what he longed to be for Jimin and those who opposed his existence.

      Jungkook sat up before his human, pulling Jimin's body down over the bed sheets closer to his hips. Just when Jungkook's grip latched onto Jimin's toned hips, he suddenly turned him over and towered over his body once more, peppering his subtle kisses along the knobs to his spine until he reached the back of his neck. At this point, Jimin's left hand was planted against the bed while his other hand ran up to the side of Jungkook's face to keep him against his skin, kissing him and making him forget Taehyung's haunting warnings abruptly. What was so dangerous about an android that only loved? Jimin didn't want to know the answer at least, not now.

      In fact, all Jimin noticed when he was with Jungkook was the endless love they had for each other even if they had yet to speak those words out of their own lips. Jimin felt as if he knew Jungkook but at the same time, didn't. No matter what. The human didn't let that get into his head when it came to putting Taehyung's warnings before him. There were things Jimin just wanted to become blind to especially if it ran the risk of losing another he cared so much about. His brain completely denied all dangers to keep himself safe. He just wanted to keep this moment right here, the moment of him closing his eyes to enjoy the kisses of his partner in order to forget those fears of losing the one he had now. At the end of the day, Park Jimin painted Jeon Jungkook as the most perfect and flawless creation known to man.

      It was the night, the night they finally began to relive what they did before. Jimin's heart raced with the idea of doing this again, something he valued so much already with the creation he spent his first time with. The second Jungkook's hands fixed over Jimin's and set them over the bed to keep himself above, Jimin blushed and anticipated what the night had in store for the two. Only keeping his perfect android in mind and ignoring every thought that would lead to losing the one he loves. He saw no danger in Jungkook's eyes especially for the night.

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