Chapter 34: Only if You're Ready~

Start from the beginning

"I... I do want this... I do," Jimin spoke out again without another thought to doubt him. Deep down, he was curious since the moment Jungkook teased him with the knowledge of androids knowing so much about this topic, and the moment they first kissed within the car. Jimin just couldn't hide his own thoughts that he too became curious to experience this with his partner now.

"Alright, only if you're ready," Jungkook concluded the conversation as they got up and walked to Jimin's bedroom where they began to stay in more often compared to the other room which belonged to Yoongi. By the time they reached the room, Jungkook closed the door behind him and watched as Jimin sat on the bed, looking at the ground while he began going back and forth in his head.

Jungkook stepped up to the young human until Jimin quickly turned his attention to the drawer to his nightstand and took out the lube he mentioned before. Doing this to play it out as if he wasn't a little nervous deep down. It was his first time and of course, it was Jungkook's first time as well, however, Jungkook was made to know so much more that it didn't worry him, just Jimin.

Jungkook finally stood before the human sitting on the bed before he slowly pointed his attention towards him and cupped his face carefully. "Park Jimin..." Jungkook whispered carefully and held Jimin's face within his hands. "It's okay if you're a little shy... if you have any second doubts, we can stop whenever you'd like. Also, let me know when you're at your limit... we can stop when you finish..."

"Why only when I finish? Why don't we stop when we can't go on?" Jimin asked as Jungkook smiled and leaned in, moving his hands away from cupping the sides of Jimin's face until he planted his grasps onto the bed and leaned in enough to have his nose touching Park Jimin's. "O-Or else it's just for me and you won't get anything out of it. Don't wait on me to call it..."

"Oh Jimin~" Jungkook said into a laugh and made the fragile human begin to smile. Feeling the stress on his shoulders, fall off like nothing in seconds.

"What's so funny?" asked the man as he couldn't help but to laugh along as well. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because, Jimin, I don't have a limit. So I won't stop at all until you're pleased and satisfied, okay? No matter how far I tend to go, I never reach my limit."

"Wouldn't this excite you too?"

"Oh it will, I will be able to feel every part of you once we begin. I just don't have a limit, but you do. So, promise me you will tell me when you've had enough," Jungkook's voice fell into a raspy whisper as he leaned in closely and looked into Jimin's eyes with his uneasy stare. Sending chills but tempted thoughts through Jimin's mind and body. He was daring in Jimin's world and the human of course, never knew how much he would enjoy such a bold attitude.

Jungkook spent no other second than to finally kiss Jimin over his gentle and warm lips. Every second he kissed him carefully, he was welcomed with the gentle familiarity that became home to him. There was nothing else in his mind as he kissed Jimin, savoring every subtle hitch of breath and every skip of a heartbeat. The gentle and innocent kisses shifted into passionate ones where Jungkook moved in closer until Jimin had his back pressed against the bed. Letting out a quick exhale before Jungkook caged him under and began to resume peppering his kisses until he began to trace them to the side of Jimin's jawline and down to his neck.

"Mh..." Jimin hummed softly, but well enough for Jungkook to hear it. He just didn't know the creation was capable of giving wet kisses, but he didn't want to question it now. Jimin felt himself slipping away from the tense worries he once knew until he finally closed his eyes and exhaled softly the more Jungkook's endless kisses graced him.

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