Chapter 31: I Promise

Start from the beginning

      Their lips made up the words of comfort, longing, and protection. They were far from the words of just being friends yet, a few steps behind the idea of lovers. It had yet to grow into something like that and Jimin understood it even if Jungkook couldn't. He found himself smiling into the kiss as Jungkook's hands slowly planted against the surface to hold himself up and avoid applying his weight onto the fragile human beneath him. His knees and his hands assisted him at this moment which led to him to stop touching Jimin's body like he did before, he was no longer hugging him into the kisses, yet, Jimin didn't take this as an excuse to stop. He hooked his arms around the nape of Jungkook's neck and kept his head closer to his while they kissed; breathing in between the pauses on that warm night within the car.

      Once they came to a stop, they remained in each other's arms, looking into the gazes and speaking their own language where their voices and words were muted, but their gazes continued to spew paragraphs of beautifully written words to each other. Jungkook held Jimin's body against his as they faced one another; laying on their sides and basking in each other's features.

      "I... I always thought... I was going to despise the idea of getting close to or kissing another android after Yoongi... but I didn't... I didn't despise it at all," Jimin spoke out, saying the words he knew his eyes couldn't tell. "I enjoyed every second of it, Jungkook..."

       "I could tell," Jungkook teased and smiled. His hands never pulled away from Jimin's body as he hugged him close. Softly, he ran the tip of his index finger up to set a strand of Jimin's hair away and said, "But I'm glad you were able to enjoy it... I hope you don't regret this, Park Jimin... because I won't."

       Jimin blushed and let out a giggle before turning his face away, but Jungkook admired all the attention Jimin gave him at that very moment, so he traced his finger down to the bottom of Jimin's chin and lightly guided his face back into his direction.

       "How could I regret this, Jungkook? How could I regret such a moment as sweet and innocent as that?" Jimin questioned and loved the way Jungkook wasn't afraid of showing his demand of the human's attention without force, but just a gentle guide of his face towards his once again.

       "The process of moving on isn't an easy one, you-"

       "Shh..." Jimin hushed the android and moved in until his forehead pressed against his chest. "With you, I already feel like I'm getting there..."

      Jungkook wanted to understand what makes humans act the way that they do and he would always find himself observing Jimin longer than he should to examine the way he thinks, yet, he could never find himself completely grasping onto the idea. He was frustrated because of that, yet, Jimin, the one he was intrigued by, tended to make him stop questioning things he didn't have and lose himself in the moment. It was a curious feeling, but Jungkook couldn't get enough of wanting to know more in order to feel human. At the end of the day, the android was still envious and very obsessed with the living and Jimin gave him access to the window he always wanted to look in through.

      "Jimin... if we went on any further... I wouldn't have known when to stop..." Jungkook whispered as he heard the giggle of the human fall into his ears once again. "I would have gone a step further and for that, it wouldn't be so innocent..."

      "You're so different from the rest... like an actual human being... one with needs and thoughts..."

       "I was built with features that others don't possess. I'm more realistic," Jungkook answered and continued to run his hands along Jimin's hair. "So when I said I wouldn't be able to contain myself... you will understand why... because I too have needs like a human being does," Jungkook claimed and watched Jimin's face deepen in the red color he never knew how much he would be drawn to.

      "Like... as in..." Jimin trailed off and looked away after getting a little embarrassed. "I don't know why I'm surprised, we've talked about this before... Ah, I just never thought about it after we spoke on androids knowing so much about sex," Jimin replied, hesitating on his words a little when his face only continued to stay on the red hue he had.

      "Like I said before, I won't be able to explain it to you... you will have to see it all for yourself," Jungkook replied and watched as Jimin buried his face into his chest and continued to laugh. "What's so funny? Don't be so childish, Jimin~"

      "I'm not!" Jimin couldn't contain his laughter as Jungkook smiled and hugged Jimin, bringing him to lay above him while they cuddled in the warmth they shared. "Ah, I can't believe you can actually do that... you know everything..."

       "Yes, of course I do... you speak as if you're interested... Are you curious?~" Jungkook joked around and teased the human as he watched Jimin hide his face once again. "I'll leave you alone," the android laughed and continued to run his hands through Jimin's hair. "Let me know when you're sleepy... I'll need to take you back home."

      "You'll stay with me for the night, right, Jungkook?"

      "Of course... I'm the one who protects you. I'm all the protection you will ever need and want," Jungkook concluded and looked up at the stars far beyond his reach in the night sky with Jimin in his arms; breathing softly and having his heart match the beat of the artificial heart within the other.

    As hours raced by and the two were speaking of the night skies and recognizing the many places they longed to explore, Jimin fought back every urge he had of sleeping but found himself becoming vulnerable to it when he had Jungkook's hands in his hair; caressing him, comforting him and caring for him just like the way he always wanted to the point where he envied the cat in the cafe the other day.

     Once Jimin dozed off in Jungkook's arms with a smile on his face, Jungkook took it upon himself to set Jimin down on the backseats of the car and drive him home through the cold night. By the time they arrived, Jungkook returned the keys of the car to Hoseok and took Jimin inside his home the second he was able to find the keys within the human's pocket. Jungkook finally was able to step into the house and lock the door behind him, take off his boots and walk down the hall where he longed to take Jimin back to bed.

      "Jungkook..." Jimin whispered softly as the android stopped before he could reach the door knob and looked into Jimin's half asleep gaze.

       "What is it?"

        "Not this room... not the room I normally sleep in... take me to the other room, that's my actual room..." Jimin confessed and of course, Jungkook obliged and opened the door to Jimin's respective room.

      Within Jimin's space was a wide bed with brown and cream colored sheets that went along with the cozy theme of the room. Jimin refrained from being in this room for the longest since he loved to sleep in the space Yoongi dwelled in. Now that he was accepting the fact that he was going to move on, he wanted to stray away from the usual bed he slept in that belonged to another even if that android didn't sleep at all.

      As Jungkook finally placed Jimin down and laid right by his side with the respective distance towards the human, Jimin turned over until he was in Jungkook's arms once again. Enjoying the warmth they shared in the car before and longed to feel it again.

      "Jungkook...stay here with me... protect me and care for me..." Jimin whispered followed with a yawn right after. "And promise me...Promise me you won't leave me too..."

      "Oh Jimin, I will never leave you... that I promise with my whole existence," Jungkook assured and gently patted Jimin on the head before leaning in to give him a peck on his forehead. "I promise..." he whispered once more.  Not even paying a second thought about the threats Hoseok said to him just before; warning him about the consequences if he was ever to slip up when it came to the human in his arms. At the end of the day, Jungkook just knew Hoseok had to be bluffing about turning him in, right?

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