Enough is Enough!

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Musical Background Number Comes to you  curtesy of High School Musical and the singers Sharpay and Ryan, her brother from such a franchise is singing, "I Want It All!"

🎶Imagine having everything we ever dreamed!
Don't you want it?
Ryan: Maybe.

Can't you see it?
Ryan: Kinda!

Imagine first audition after College,
I get the lead.
Ryan: A part for me?
Sharpay: Well of course.
Ryan: Yeah, right.
Sharpay: You gotta believe it!
Ryan: Keep talking.

Sharpay: You and I all the fame!
Ryan: Sharpay and what's his name.
Sharpay: Sounds exciting!
Ryan: Inviting.
Sharpay: Let's do it then!
Ryan: Listening!

Sharpay: Personal stylist, agent, and a publisist!
Ryan: But where do I fit into this?
Sharpay: With you we can win.

Ryan: Win a part!
Sharpay: Think bigger!
Ryan: Become Superstars!
Sharpay: That's better!
Don't you see that Bigger is Better,
And Better is Bigger?!
A little bit is never enough!
No, no, no!

Don't you want it all?
You want it, you know that you want it:
The fame and the fortune and more!
You want it all, you want it, you know that you want it.
You gotta have your star on the door!
You want the world nothing less, all the glam and the press
Giving you the best reviews!

Sing it!

I want it all, I want it, I want it, I want it, yeah!
My name in lights at Carnegie Hall.
I want it all!

Can't you see it?
Ryan: Yeah.
Sharpay: They're gonna love me!
—I mean us!

Sharpay: Red carpet, rose bouquets, crowd waiting backstage.
Ryan: I'm with her, don't stop me, I'm not the Parazzi!
Sharpay: Invitations, standing ovations!
Ryan: Magazines.
Sharpay: Yes Please!
Both: Gonna Be Celebrities!...🎶....

"So you're saying, I need to come up with a bigger idea?!" Sofia questions.

"Oh, Sofia, that's what I've been trying to tell you." I sighed. "Do I need to sing this song again?"

"Uh no." James answers for Sofia. "I'm outta here. Good luck sister Sofia!"

Sofia told me. "Let me think."

The swans in the fountain trumpet behind them.

"I got it!" exclaimed Sofia. "Baileywick, thank you for getting everyone together."

"Of course, Princess Sofia." spoke Baileywick. "What can we do for you?"

"I'm gonna have a Swan-themed tea party." explains Sofia. "We'll set up the tables right beside the Swan fountain, and we'll have Swan shaped cookies and cakes."

"Sounds lovely." stated Baileywick.

"And?" I urged her on.

"More?!" Sofia nervously questions.

"Definitely more." I answered my sister back.  James slapped himself in the face shaking his head, before I could tell him to get going.

"Maybe, we can get Ceedric to make the tables and chairs to float in the air like the swans float on the water." Sofia replied.

"Thinking big, Sofia!" I exclaimed with joyful enthusiam. "And what else?"

"We need more?" asked Sofia by that eye roll she gave me, I should have known she was getting tired of the word More every single moment.

Sofia's Adventure Journal AU (Sofia the First's Pov)Where stories live. Discover now