Try Talking Part 4

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Sofia The First P. O. V.
"Leave me alone, Princess, or I'll hex you!"

"Now, Lucinda that's no way to make friends!" I scolded it was easy I learned it well from my Mom. She levitated me up in the air. She was giggling a little bit. "Which is what you want . Right? Now, put me down!"

"Aggh! Okay, you are right!" sighs Lucinda ending the hex and bringing me back to Everrealm Enchancia ground. "It would be nice to have some friends and go to a party with them just once to see what it is actually like."

"So if you want friends, why are you so mean to everyone?" I quickly inquired of her.

"I don't know how else to act," explains Lucinda.

"Really?" I gasped.

"Yep, my parents are witches, my grandparents are witches and my great grandparents are witches." says Lucinda.

"And all they know how to do is hex people?" I asked for confirmation.

"Yes, hex, hex, hex, hex." Lucinda ranted paused and then continued.

"Non stop boring tradition if you asked me. I didn't choose to be born into this family."  stated Lucinda. "And because my family is generally mean they expect it of me. So we have a really hard time getting along with regular people."

"I understand exactly how you feel," I spoke.

"You don't get along with regular people either?!" gasped Lucinda.

Now it was my turn to chuckle a little. "Aah! No, yes, I do, but sometimes I feel like an outsider. I became a princess overnight!- And I had absolutely no idea how to act like one. I needed practice. And a little help. So, if you wanted, I could help you make friends."

🎶🎤I was a girl in the village doing alright,
Then I a became a Princess overnight!🎤🎶

(The only time Sofia gets to quote herself and the quote is in the theme song lyrics)

"But who would want to be friends with a witch?" asked Lucinda. "I mean I play tricks on everyone in the village!"

"Then the first thing you should do is apologize to everyone in the village." I inform her.

"Oooo! I'm not good at apologie," says Lucinda.  Pranks, I can do."

"It's not that hard; all you have to do is say "I'm sorry!" Just try it right in front of me right now. Go on, try it." I coaxed and encouraged her to change. People won't change unless you allow them to receive happiness from the change you are trying to bring about.

"Okay." Lucinda responds slowly rolling her eyes as she said. "I'm s-s-rr-y!"

"Again." I was retaining a positive stature smile and encouraging gestures to help. 

"I'm sorr-rry," says Lucinda.

"Come on, come on, come on!"

"I'm sorr eeeee!" It came out more like a squeal and squeak and magic sparked up to the point of her dark blue witch hat.

"We'll work on it on the way," I insisted gesturing her to follow me.

"Okay, let me get my broom," answers Lucinda.

Sofia's Adventure Journal AU (Sofia the First's Pov)Where stories live. Discover now