The Water Hill

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Laura's Pov..........
I had been asked by father to go work in a far off kingdom so he could work on clearing his family name. I found a job underneath my Mom's boss on the Silver Phoenix My mom during the first week of sailing got so seasick she her healthy was failing and eventually the ship doctor declared her dead. Everyone wondered why the perfectly healthy women got so sick. A little four year old blonde girl looked at me from behind the storage closet.

"Ah ha! Look what we have here. A little mischievous stowaway." said a man big buff and gruff. Before Laura could stop him.

"You need to go overboard you're a thief!"

Winter kicked and screamed aloud and said don't please don't throw me overboard. I can cook and clean and desalt seawater please I have nowhere else to go."

"Ryle stop," demands the Captain Rix. "Let our little Chickadee go. She is staying and doing exactly what she promised. You will help Laura Grazewood in the kitchen during the mornings prepping the sailors morning and evening meals so that they are warm and waiting you may sleep afterwards during the day and at night you two youngsters will take second watch for me is that clear?"

"Yes, sir."

"Captain Rix," I informed her. And I handed her a peach and said, "Welcome aboard the Silver Phoenix, Chickadee."

The First mate glares at the four year old girl with lush blonde hair, "say you look like what is her name, Tharma that cruel witch cold as an iceberg racing to the edges of the ocean. I'm keeping an eye on you little girl. I think you might be more trouble than we bargained for."

"Ryle leave her be you heard the Captain Chickadee is staying on the Silver Phoenix." Laura defended unaware her new four year old friend would soon be her Queen and the one who would locate Laura's husband and rewrite the Grazewood family history."

"Don't listen to him. People like to be mean," Laura comforts Winter. "Chickadee it's just a man's nature that most are unkind it's rare to find one incredibly understanding as my Prince Thoris. It was almost as if his parents were blessed by the angels themselves."


"Perhaps a word you might be more familiar with is fairy or fairies." says Laura.

"My name isn't Chickadee it is Winter." Winter informs Laura.

"Such a pretty name. Why did you run away from wherever you said you were."

"My Mom did not want so I ran and brought with me the one thing she was most excited about my powers away from her. I determined to keep away from my mother and her aunts they neglected me I will repay them in kind and forget them. She ignored the bitterness and pain.

"Oh, where are you going?" inquires Laura.

"To find the voice that reached out to me in my dreams." Winter said. "To find my true love. I don't even know if it will be possible I make look forever and ever for him."

"I believe you will find him when you least expect that he will be standing right in front of you more or less."

"How do you know that this is so?" inquires Winter.

"My Mother told me that once I lend a hand to another individual it will help me get closer to the person of opposite gender who is right for me. And I'm saying that the same advice may also be true for you." Laura reassured Winter. It was this constant reassurance at night that helped Winter from freezing her blankets like she accidentally froze the sack she stowed away in. The ship crew were the first people to introduce her to the lightest weighted words defining the word evil.

"Our little Chickadee everywhere she goes there's a glaze of winter frost that she can't control she must must be a witch, Captain Rix I wouldn't wake her it's obvious why the mother died don't wake them don't ask those two to cook anymore."

"I agree with Ryle." but Captain having a desire for children to take care of resisted the peer pressure of course and ignored their vile thoughts but Winter could not do so.

"Why do they keep taunting me?"

"Just because you are only a little bit different than me and them but I do not mind at all. You're beautiful and special just as I'm my Mother and Father told me that my family has a history of bad deeds to make up for its a miracle we stayed a noble family. I do have one question though are you really the daughter of Tharma as everyone here seems to think that you are?"

"Does it matter if I am or not?" Winter asked me.

"It doesn't matter to me."

"The answer is yes, but I ran away from my mon to start a new life." Winter said. "My name is Winter not Chickadee."

"Captain called you Chickadee because he found you cute that's the only reason why."

Winter blushes and gasped. "Rocks! I'm getting the wheel. Help me navigate."

"You sure we can get away from these rocks we're coming into fast."

"Absolutely cause water will hear me call." Winter replies and it worked the waves blanketed the hull of the ship lifting it on a multipled layered water mountain and with just five minutes the sharp rock pillars were behind the ship in half the time they would have been if Captain Rix had been directing it.

"You can communicate with water I thought ice was your only power."

"No, I have three my mother and her aunts all had three and all my older sisters had three powers. Please if you happen to run into any of them don't tell anyone."

"You should come Dyamond I have feeling you will just love it and my Dad would love to meet you." Laura insists. "If anyone could equal the landscape of a crystal ice realm it would be you Winter."

"I don't know it sounds beautiful and intriguing and wonderfully enchantingly perfect but I don't know if it will be accepting of me. I will have to lie my way around being the witch I'm with the relative links I have. I promised to repay my relatives in kind they ignored me I intend to do something better forget that they were ever a part of my life and find a new start. I won't talk about my mothers from this day forward never ever again."

"I understand just letting you know next week we port at Dyamond you're welcome to come off the ship and stick with me." Laura invites. "You have a week's notice to take it into consideration and sleep on it."

"Thank you, I will consider your invitation." Winter answers. The men who work before that day had noticed the water splash at the edges of the deck and looked behind and realized the young girl that they were so afraid of had spared their lives due to the rocks behind that were impossible to cross and due to her connection with the friendly ocean current who agreed to cooperate with her.

Sofia's Adventure Journal AU (Sofia the First's Pov)Where stories live. Discover now