A Surprise Encounter

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Flissa had just left for Cloudtower Castle to go to school and master her powers.

"Ogron watch Winter for me please brother. I don't want anything to happen to her she is the second most important person to me here."  Flissa said. "She's only two and you know our Mothers don't care about anyone but themselves. Please promise me you will look after her baby brother."

"I promise big sister she'll be just fine and happy." Ogron vows to Flissa. "Good luck at Cloudtower Castle."

She kissed him on the cheek.

"See you when Summer rolls around, baby brother." She whispers. "I love you. Tell Winter I love her as well."

Ogron watched as Flissa left through the portal and he was alone for awhile now. Then soon he heard shouting and little bit of crying."

The voice sounds so familiar and unusually harsh. Ogron groans he didn't want to sit back and watch Winter get disappointed and hurt she was only two years old.

"Mamma when will we eat? Mamma can you help me change?"

"Stop pestering me your clothes are fine and Belladonna will inform us when the meal is ready."

"But I'm hungry and I have been in these clothes for three days and they are so so tight."

"Witches have no need to change their outfits until they master their powers now run along and don't speak till spoken to do you understand me daughter and also one more thing never call me Mom your high pitch squeal sounds as bad and creepy as a clown's laughter."

"But---." Winter had never been around to gain knowledge of either of her parents' names."

"Tharma it's unwise to neglect children like that. She is hungry and you might as well do good to feed her a tiny snack."

"Then you feed her we before Belladonna is unruly awakened from her beautiful and meditative sleep. My job of feeding her stopped when she was weaned Ogron. I'm sure you can handle it. Good luck you might need it."

"Lazy!" Ogron mutters. Winter looks up at him. She points at her Mom.

"Is Tharma my Mom's name?"

"Yes, Winter it is." Ogron answered. "Come on your Aunt Flissa asked me to care for you while she was at school. Let's get you something to eat."

Ogron knew he would have to go elsewhere to find a snack Belladonna didn't even like her own son in the kitchen when cooking. She called all children distractions from the important stuff. He went to Mayflower Dumant's friend who ran the orphanage.

"This is your half sister?" asked Mayflower. "She is absolutely adorable!"

Winter did not remember many of the words. Mayflower taught her to cook slow meals that required steady boiling throughout many recipes. Winter also learned how to use the loom in the orphanage on Tritonia. She learned those skills very quickly and she lent half of the clothes she made on that loom to Mayflower for the children who suffered from the constant cold even though she could not understand it.

Ogron had taken Winter there because few people there hated witches and wizards.

"Why did they want to feed me and Tharma didn't?" Winter asked she knew Ogron was hiding something from her that he didn't want to tell her that one word no one no matter what it involved or the people that were tied together because of this.

"Because they're more caring while Tharma is cold as ice." Ogron didn't want Winter to know that difference between good and evil just yet for that difference was too difficult for a two year old to understand so he said the former.

Sofia's Adventure Journal AU (Sofia the First's Pov)Where stories live. Discover now