Fairy of the Shadowflame

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"I can't believe that it's my sister in her Magic Winx form."

"The Robins of Different Color call it Soarentix I believe." says Harah. "This means gift of flight just like the robins or to soar off like a robin."

"That's your sister, Ravono?" asked Flash 2.

"Yep, her name is Robin." Ravono replies. "It is my sister, Mr. Allen."

"Please don't call me that!" exclaims Barry immediately at the young Princeling."

"Salana you're on fire!" exclaims Calida.

"Get back!" exclaims Barry. He rotated his arms. The wind was cracking the fireice underneath it from the rotation of his arms.

"Stop it!" exclaims Ravono. "You're only making it worse, Flash!"

"Salana stay with me!" exclaims Harah.

"Alice!" calls Robin immediately.

"I'm here Robin, I heard you calling!"

"Onyrix Ice Flame Stairway!" Alice lands on the second landing.

"Harah, take my hand," says Robin. She did. Harsh did and Robin held tight to her as she flew her to the helicopter.

Alice placed her hands on Salana's shoulders and concentrates speaking. "Arctic Frost chill her firey blood!"

The fire and flames began to poof out in smoke.

Robin came down and said. "I believe this is yours, Barry Allen."  as she magically puts his suit on. "Heat resistant am I right?"

"Yes, but I hid it in Gardenia Italy, how did you know to get it here?"

"Does that really matter Flash 2?" asks Robin.

"No, of course not, Supernova."

"What did he just call her?" inquires Cyrus.

"I have no clue whatsoever, co pilot." said Ravono.

"Wait what did he just call her?" asked Cyra.

"He called her Supernova, sister." Salana informs her oldest sister."

"Everyone's accounted for." The Captain of Cynthia's ship sent through.

"Clear out everyone who is not a water fairy!" exclaims Daphne. Alice and Lillian retuned to Daphne's side in the skies. Tecna returned to the ships.

"Now Lillian hit him with all you got!" Daphne says. Lillian nodded. "Everybody get back. She closed her eyes. And she reached deep inside of her as she even though she left Sirenix behind she could still access her Sirenix spell and summons it because she was a nymph of weather being the Fairy of the Clouds. "STORMS of Sirenix!"

The clouds darkened over domino and became greyen and lightning began to flash in the skies. And rain began to drop and the wind got really gusty and whippy.

"Come on Beast of the Depths one more area to go!" Lillian called. "Lightning blaze! Come and tag me!"

"Wow!" says Alice. "Who knew lightning tag would be so fun?"

"I'm not surprised Lillian's missed being part of the action." Daphne giggled.

Lillian was hovering over the highest peak of Serpentine mountain. She was aware Daphne already put a protection spell over the Bird Rock and the secret library so that and the palace wouldn't be damaged and the bird would live as normally as he had done in the ice wasteland years ago.

"STELLA! FRIEDA!" Sky yells. "You don't tell me you told Thoren, Daphne and Lillian to go ahead with it?"

"Um, yes, we did if you meant by flooding Domino and second of all learn how to knock and don't barge in us, we may not always be in the appropriate attire Princeliness!"

Frieda started laughing at Stella's annoyance of the boys not respecting their privacy anymore just because they were married.

"Have you not mastered the concept of privacy yet even in this world?" asked Cometta narrowing her eyes glaring at him.

"No one asked you, and who is she! And how the hell do you know my name?"

"You need to quit horsing around!" exclaims Cometta. "You're not being very Kingly either. Metamorphosis horsesus princess!"

Cometta's blue comet light appears out of nowhere and surrounded Sky and there was a loud neighing sound from outside.

Frieda went out onto the balcony, and called Stella. "Stella come see this! I think it's Sky!"

"You really did it you turn him into a horse, Cometta?"

"He was actually acting like a wild pony so yes, I did." answers Cometta. "He absolutely honestly had it coming for reals!"

"He does make an adorable blue horse." says Stella giggling.

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