Bloom's Cellphone Message

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Daphne went to the staff room of the Winx girls. She knocked on the door. Stella answered it.

"Daphne? What's with the sad look?" asked Stella. "Girls gather in the hall, Frieda go find Bloom's cellphone it should be on the desk in your room."

Frieda nodded.

"What is this about?" asked Aisha. "Daphne, you look worried more than usual?"

"I put an order out to Thoren to evacuate the citizens of Domino, Robin found the source of the Flame sickness. And to send it away I have to ask Lillian to aggravate the Beast of the Depths as much as she can."

"There's wishing magic in the air it released me from the water prison I was in." stated Aisha.

"Yes, this wishing magic is stronger than the Ancestral Fairies magic most of the water fairies here were restrained until it entered our world. We have to flood the planet Domino to the core center! It's the only way out of this if we bring Bloom back Flare's just gonna keep returning instead." Daphne spoke.

Frieda brought up the phone of Bloom's.

"Are you sure the message came from Bloom? This cellphone seems so cold. As if no one has touched in days in fact when I used my objects have memories skill I can't see anything but paper on the floor."

"Ooh. I know what is going on the phone must have turned into paper in the other world in other words and an s-mail. We used to have email on paper on Earth in the past." says Cometta. "It was one of the things we were looking for when we went on the hunt for a dark wizard hiding consistently through his ability to travel back in time or rather through a time tunnel of course. Sometimes our objects will change forms in other worlds so in the world Bloom and Ogron were sent to technology is not as advanced as it is here. Which in this case we're looking at animated world. And there's one that is climbing up the popular ladder even on my world. It's about the wisdom of royal children."

"You mean Sofia the First," said Flora. She had unlocked Bloom's cellphone. "I recently started watching that. This is her and I think she is the one who sent the wishing magic through a wishing mirror which means despite what we think they're indeed fairy godmothers in this world and they let it through and that magic could make more Enchanter fairies. Otherwise it would have been blocked here.

"She looks just like the two of you well almost." gasped Tecna. "She is basically your twin maybe actually I should say triplet döppleganger."

"She definitely looks like you, minus the eyes and the skin tone." spoke Stella.

"Found it!" Flora said. "This message was from Bloom before Tritonia and this is what she had to say. And looks like she is standing in front of the vortex of Flames from the flames. Her back is to us on screen."

"Great Dragon of Domino the one who brought courage to our world by your sacred flame I have failed it! Reveal to me what lies I committed what treachery I mistook for justice! I'm not worthy of your Great Master's pity! Spare my friends and let them allow me to fall and fade into the elements without them feeling that pain because of their connection to me. I know I have wronged someone close to me, my heart does not beat anymore I hear nothing but the roar of yours scolding me in defensive anger. She pulled her shirt up a little had she been wearing her spy suit from her own brother in the other world she would have had a burnt waistline, that force at which Robin's magic took off had cut as sharp as the Domino sword only the image of the scarring made it look as if it were the Shadow Dragons claws.

The Dragon emerged from the firey center of the Vortex.

"Madness will tear your wings from you in the chaos to come you will have to sit out from this journey for awhile, you will be sent else where your wings will drop off of you and you will have to earn your Flowerrix alone to make up for what you have done to your daughter! No one will find it for you! Your memory I returned to you so you will be in constant pain but your friends will nothing of it as you requested I will severe that connection temporarily!"

Sofia's Adventure Journal AU (Sofia the First's Pov)Where stories live. Discover now