Chickadee and The Captain

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It was five days into the week Captain Rix walked up to her.

"Chickadee I hear your pal has been begging you to step off the ship when we dock at Dyamond." He informs me that he had been listening to the crew mates of his chatter consistently. "Chickadee I urge you to take her up on her offer. When she is gone home I will not have another person willing enough to someone from murdering you by throwing you overboard although that chance is far less than that of the storms who have tossed many of my mates overboard. You will most likely survive if you went to Dyamond than if you continue this voyage with us. And since you are like a daughter to me I don't want to restrain or confine you to the sea man's life it is not that alluring after all unlike Dyamond is."

Winter hesitated for a moment before an answer was heard by the Captain. "I still have 24 hours to decide."

"More like 22 girls." Captain Rix responds. "I love you you and your presence has given more than any glee shipments could ever deliver, Winter."

"I prefer Chickadee actually at least with you beside I kinda do look like a chickadee. I will go as per your request."
Winter states. Winter must have had a guardian angel for to have two people guide her to decide to come to Dyamond might just have been the signs and advice from someone unknown to her.

"You don't know how lucky you really are. People will one day call you a miracle child."

Winter slept soundly the last worked hard to thaw the fruit she accidentally froze. Miraculously the ice responds to her commands much more quickly here than they would have under the instructions of Tharma, Belladonna and Lyssilis. Winter had heard that one word Ogron mutters under his breath when Tharma said, "She doesn't need food unless you wanna grab her a snack Ogron as far as I'm concerned my job of feeding her stopped when she was weaned."

"Lazy!" It was no lie but she understood why he said it under his breath if they caught him saying that he would have been punished harshly for the insulting remark itself. Tharma did not take insults lightly. Winter was sure that she wouldn't be allowed back because she considered her running away to be a very big insult. It should and would signal to Tharma that she was incapable of doing that job she had been given just like any other job that had been given to her.

"Winter wake up." Laura spoke. "We're in the harbor of the city of Polarixa, Dyamond. Captain Rix wants to see us of the ramp. And he has a present for you, his Chickadee."

"Finch take care of her, and take care of her well. I love her as if she were my own daughter."

Winter blushes again and she could see why the Captain called her friend Finch. Laura had long raspberry colors of curly locks that smoothly sat on her shoulders the same colors of the Purple finches you will come to the bird feeder every winter to eat seed you leave to feed them. A bird that bears the complimentary colored breast the robins, the gold finches and the bluebirds. Laura had an unusual aura about her that was unexplainable. Winter hugs the Captain and then she took the arm of her newest friend the friend who acted like a sister. Laura was 15/16 when she met Winter aboard the Silver Phoenix. Winter gasped as she looked at her basket a pouch full of gold coins which she never put there.

"Captain Rix had to pay you for your services to the crew of the Silver Phoenix." said Laura.

"Thanks Finch."

"You're welcome Chickadee." Laura answers. "Polarix Inn."

"Let's go in and get a warm meal you probably won't be used to the temperature Dyamond is quite a lot colder than Tritonia is."

"Understood," said Winter. Without the gift of the Captain Winter's life could have been so much more difficult. The gift was more than enough to buy her first meal that was warm not cold.

Sofia's Adventure Journal AU (Sofia the First's Pov)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang