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The new news Flora had uncovered in the letter Jason had given Lillian, Frieda wnd her was about Domino just before war ensued

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The new news Flora had uncovered in the letter Jason had given Lillian, Frieda wnd her was about Domino just before war ensued.

The surprise of the Great Guardian Dragon fleeing from the domino realm during the chaos was a shock to all three girls. What could they do what could they possibly say at this point there were no words for this news and it explains why the Dark Dragon took a hold of Bloom as strongly as it did for she was the only holder who accepted it as hers despite being a baby. It was hard to imagine how different Bloom would be if she hadn't accepted Valtor's flame power. And if she had never done that Robin would never have been in the situation she was.

"I know it's my fault my youngest daughter bears all that guilt my Uncle Valtor felt from Oritell my father thought he could hide it from me he was wrong. I overheard it all." Bloom responds tears fell from her eyes and now I'm stuck with my feet glued to the floor if I tell Erendor the truth he might just blow the whole wedding thing up in my face and if I talk to my Dad I know he'd start another feud because od the way Erendor's been treating me, guys. It's an impossible and imposing situation that I and my daughter are at the center of right now."

Sandra had disappeared off rails knowing full well that using magic wasn't permitted in the Alfea Academy regular library. She approached Cloudtower Castle. Griffin was surprised. She hadn't expected to see another fairy appear in her magic eye."

"What are you doing here?" inquires Lucy. "Intruders aren't welcome here fairy kid."

"I'm not just a fairy kid. I have a lot in common with you witches and your headwitchtress Professor Lucy. I need her help." Sandra said. "I'm Sandrianne of Obscura Fairy of Moonlight. I want to speak with Griffin please now."

She was a confident fairy standing strong despite her handicap type of powers.

"Lucy bring her up to the office." Griffin instructs through the hollow walls of Cloudtower Castle the unseen world of the Witch Academy school castle.

"We'll apparently Griffin likes you a lot." said Lucy. "Follow me Princess." She curtseyed.

"You did not have to do that," replies Sandra.

"Griffin would penalize us in a competition if we ever forget our manners she believed a witch was more threatening if they knew royal information, and more fiercely watched out for." Lucy explains. "But I suppose it's all about defining the element of surprise, Princess of Obscura."

The office doors opened wide. They passed a mirror in the hall that had been hit with Reflecta's pink magic.

Sandra looks towards it and she picked up on a creepy and cold voice it was Reflecta's that she heard.

"Where cultures collide
You will find the clues
To rebalance Domino
To locate each heartstone made
Emblemix is the key
Fresh eyes must be used to read the World Book
By reading through the magnifying glass she must
This will be a journey
That crosses into other galaxies
Beware be prepared
And expect bewilderement and puzzled faces
For this fool those of old
But dazzle the younger generation coming.
Beware and be prepared expect bewilderment and puzzled faces
You've been warned.
The guardian is where cultures collide.
Beware and be prepared expect bewilderment and puzzled faces.

Sandra shook her head why was she seeing and hearing this it wasn't like she even touched the mirror. She had noticed the magnifying glass in Lillian's satchel earlier that morning.

"Welcome Princess honored to have you pay a visit to Cloudtower Castle I sensed your energy is similar to my own sister Harmony's supreme nymph of Magix realm before she handed the title down to Daphne what do you want?"

"I want to learn from the stars," Sandra answered. "I wanna know why I can see things Faragonda and Griselda can't see, please. Teach me."

"It's dangerous magic are you sure you're willing to learn it it might be too much for you."

"I have to or the world will just keep calling Robin a filthy liar and she's my best friend and I won't let her visit Lightrock again or any place worse now she gotten into the mess because of me and my stupid false father. I need to prove to them that she is seeing danger. Please please Griffin will you hela me your the only person I know who remains who knows my powers. None of the Winx have them and neither do their daughters."

"Correction Stella also has moonlight powers she just never chosen to use them more frequently without the Trix and Reflecta about causing chaos daily.

"Reflecta?" Sandria said. "Was she the voice I just heard in the mirror?"

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