Concealed Truth

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Winter's Pov
Can you define nice and kind?
Can you define good and caring?
Can you define Good ? Can you define Evil?
Are these lines we draw as permanent and definite as they seem to appear?
We appreciate them as if they are but a minor problem one can easily pass through.
Then we forget about it.
But actually this is impossible.
It is not something we can forget.
Not even once even though we can only recall so much of the vivid scary memories that we retained that doesn't mean memories already lived through have fallen right out of our head like a restless infants falls out of a guardless crib.
It lingers and if testing permits one thing or another may trigger the memories that they long forgotten to reoccur. You maybe surprised by the first spells I ever attempted where my Aunt Belladonna's memory spells so I could protect myself, my future children and my kingdom and my allies and most important my best friends and foster relatives. This is probably why Belladonna hated me so much. She never expected I would be so naughty to steal all her information from her on her own memory spells.

Belladonna marched up to Ogron.

"What the hex did you tell her about my memory spells stash, son."

"Nothing. I didn't even know you had one." responded Ogron throwing up his hands. Belladonna knew Ogron was terrible at lying.

"Where is the little mountain lion."

"Ogron claims she ran away." Lyssilis responds. "This is between the three of you and Flissa. I had nothing to do with this whatsoever I was busying raising my own daughters Summerlings and Fall."

Both sisters glared at their other sisters.

"I didn't claim it. She did run away because obviously she is not here." Ogron responds micmicing Lyssilis's hands on her hip stance to become way more defensive. Belladonna smirked delighted with his showing way more attitude.

"Now you're beginning to act like a man."

"BELLADONNA!" A deep voice boomed causing the very ground where they set up their temporary home.

Belladonna shivered.

"Eugh, I hate that guy. He pretends to be a villain mastermind of an equal conquest yet he has wings wings that game him the ability to fly and his title is so lame."

"BELLADONNA where are you and your sisters!!! And why do you keep me waiting! You know I hate waiting."

The Dark Phoenix appears in front of them who's this."

Ogron lost his defensive stance at once.

"Oh yeah you definitely noticed Belladonna's pretty boy." Lyssilis said. "He's rather eyecatching!"

Belladonna glares at her sisters who were giggling. She replied. "Forgive me my master we have had a slight dilemma and my sisters and their kin on hopelessly hopeless."

"Stop laughing!" Darkar hollers. "Witches only laugh when their laughter is scary not when they see something utterly ridiculous!"  He raised his metal iron red arm with strong ridged claws. He looked like a ghost in shreds of torn out drapes that hung about his arms but his presence his powers were real and terrifying. He hurled the other two witches into the twin Obsidain stone pillars that jutted out opposite of the door.

"Ogron listen to me get on your knees right this minute."

"Listen to your Mother boy."

He did. He followed his mother's example. He got on his knees.

"That's a good boy." Darkar said. "With a strong name comes an incredibly strong and powerful future. And with a powerful future comes from taking your responsibilities seriously, Ogron."

Sofia's Adventure Journal AU (Sofia the First's Pov)Where stories live. Discover now