Red Speedster on Hoggart

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"It's good to see you Barry Allen aka Flash 2 of Earth 2."

"You're Supernova!" exclaims Barry. "I've seen you on tv quite a bit with those Ninja hawks, so you're a fairy?"

"Only if other people don't look me directly in the eyes and give me a direct command center order." spoke Robin. "I'm a hero to the people of Earth and to my mother's home world of the Domino realm itself. I must ask you to never share this with anyone or my reputation maybe comprised and my human friends on Earth at risk. I want to work with you on the powers you posess and how quickly they can spread."

"As far as I know Speedster electricity will only spread to close friends, I would have to make friends with one of the undeveloped fairies for you to even accquire an actual spark of this meta human powers and I would need to get physical. Please remove these handcuffs, I'm a hero I will not hurt you." Barry demands softly.

"I would advise against it, Robin the original him could restrain himself more without handcuffs."

"I understand your concern Sam, but I know that Barry Allen can restrain what the Flash cannot as he said he's a hero. Remove them and get Selina to her safe house please now."

"As you wish." Alex answered immediately right away. "Come on Sam we got work to do. Don't dawdle."

"You got to stop getting so paranoid Sam." spoke Clover. "Besides I need your help, Cynica is setting me up on a date and I need some advice especially for the clothing choices?"

"You're asking me? You're the fashion queen of our spy group, Clover. I'm just glad these four races have stopped." says Sam. "But since you asked, be prepared to not like what I choose. But do you have any preference Clover?"

"Perhaps something to knock away the nervousness. I want to be as confident as I'm in this catsuit and yet comfortable enough that I can breathe with him hugging me. Suppose you could help me solve this problem?" asked Clover.

"Perhaps so, my best friend." informs Sam.

They arrived back on Earth and Clover discussed that they would be walking through Gardenia Park and that Andy would be taking them to the Happiest Romantic Diner at the very heart of Gardenia Park.

"Clover, look the manakin looks almost just like you." said Sam.

"Wow this dress is super beautiful but my eyes aren't purple."

"I don't think that matters." said Sam. "Ma'am how much is that dress on your manakin actually worth?"

"That? Are you sure you could afford it. Those clothes look so cheap on you."

"Wait a minute are you seriously playing a Dhar man video accusation on us?" inquires Clover. "That's so not #fashiontastic! We're not thieves! She pulled out her agent's modeling card. This is my job and I'll use the dress well. You can call up my boss if you have any questions. But I suggest you start tapping into your upstairs brain if you want to make your manager as well as your customers happier."

"Clover." mumbles Sam. She wasn't sure what was going on with Clover's attitude right now. Clover plopped a bunch of money on the counter.

"I'm being generous right now, but I don't usually go this far! And I don't work well with people or in the environments where people are constantly accusing each other, lady."

"Take the dress then and thank you for shopping here." The clerk said. She brought it off the manakin and put the accessories in the bag.

Here below is Clover's date outfit

Here below is Clover's date outfit

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