Soulmates P2

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"You're beautiful," Cometta comments to Frieda.

"I don't feel beautiful even on the inside. Lillian tells me to stop talking to myself like that."

"And you should listen," says Cometta immediately up front. "You have no reason to think that about yourself you're wonderful. Just hearing you speak your voice is the finest of all the poets."

Frieda blushes at that. She didn't think she would find another close friend like Lillian much less from the Original Winx show.

"You really think that is so?"

"I don't think so, Frieda. I know so." Cometta said. "My Comet Magic is picking up Fairy Godmother Magic."

"You mean Enchanter magic," states Frieda. "Children are helped till they say they need no more aid and pass an independency test and if they pass with flying colors the fairy godmother is released from duty or at least that's how it has been for years since Faragonda fixed the rules. They hate being called Fairy Godmothers though."

"Hmmm. Well that's new to me," speaks Cometta. "I think my magic is leading us to 2130 staff room dorm."

"Selene, Sequoia, Rosella, Ahisa and my sister Violete stay in that room. How could it be one of them?"

"How many sisters do you have?" inquires Cometta.

"Just one more aside from Flora and Violete." says Frieda sighing. Having grown so far apart as kids through all their ups and downs sometimes it was too easy for her and Violete to get on each other's nerves."

"What they do they say about you?" asked Cometta.

"They say "Stop being Reckless and rash! Told me multiple times to slow down. They've always told me I'm okay the way I'm. They keep me relaxed especially Flora. But Violete can be quite paranoid about me."

They were soon down the hallway and the door was opened.

Frieda holds her noise, and groans. "Something smells bad."

"Forget bad," sighs Selene plugging her noise. "It's grouse."

"You can say that again." said Rosella. "It's a good thing Violete went with Ally when she did sometimes our fairy of love Ahisa's magic gets out of hand."

"Hey! It's not my fault when you're a curerer fairy you have to study the effects of evil spells when it comes to things and bodies." said Ahisa her back straightened.

"Curerer fairy is that another way of saying Enchanter fairy, Professor?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." Ahisa answered adamantly and softly. She couldn't tell them yet.

"Don't fret you prissy pretty fairy's a nice lavender pumping air refreshener will block the foul odor."

"It may be that way for the whole dorm but with your experiments your room is full of the mixed matched madnesses and the smell is disgusting!" Rosella said. "I don't even know how Sequoia manages to sleep in there as your roommate."

"Hey, what are those?" asked Peg.

"And why don't we have any?" asked Meg.

"They're badges. You have to earn them." explained Sofia.

"When you're a Buttercup, you explore the Great Outdoors!" informs Ruby excitedly happy about me being able to do a little less Princessy thing like the Buttercups Troop things. I started this before I became a Princess and that's where we formed our strongest bond. I was happy to be doing something normal with normal people finally once more. I always looked forward to Buttercup Troop days more than balls and frivolous other festivals and contests at school at RPA because in the Buttercups Troop I could always be my true self, laughing at my mistakes in the woods and forget the shudder I felt when meeting royal men and women's gazes straight on. This was where the world's gaze could not find me at all. The only thing that has changed now was that the name of the troop and the uniforms.
Season 2 We were all Sunflower cadets yes Meg and Peg too. We developed a new theme around sunflowers 🌻 and next to my cup dress was. Amber was also gaining many badges. She was on her way to gain her sunflower medallion soon and I was so proud of her. She didn't know till I showed up at the castle how much she really appreciated the outdoors. She is always outside on a good beautiful gorgeous day or night. My new uniform was green like the stem of the sunflower stalk and then our hats were normal straw hats decorated with sunflower petals we strung up and glued on. That's why we all had one badge on vests that folded over our shoulders like sunflower leaves. And it was a Hat making badge. I can't wait for Amber to get to that level she would love to do that hat making thing. She loves creating things almost much as the rest of our Sunflower troop members. The great thing about troop work you can always follow our manual and guides do it away from the troop and still earn badges went you meet up again for an actual out door outting. The hat was a brown straw hair like people warm in the hot country side. The picture of the uniform of our Sunflower Troop before earning our hat making badges was taped into my journal my amulet was also a part of the outfit too. I loved it so much. It was a unique dress and vest. I closed my journal and slowly fell asleep to that happy memory which now my narrator will relay to you what went on in my Buttercups Tale!

Sofia's Adventure Journal AU (Sofia the First's Pov)Where stories live. Discover now