Amberina: City of Stars

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What could be considered the Northern Hemisphere of our world is more like Western Hemisphere of many Everrealm kingdoms.

"There it is." said Sofia.

"It looks like an abandoned city made completely from Starlight you guys."

"Look Starflowers." Skye spoke. "I heard about them once."

"Awk!" A shriek entered the atmosphere.

"I believe that was the Phoenix call."

"Thank you for coming I'm the Great White source of generations of healing manifested through dreams and tears but unfortunately magic has been a bit tied up. It was only just a few days a year or two years ago I was able to make the horn of the unicornicus constellation shimmer enough for Amber to spot it. It was the only way I could send a plea for help."

"So Amber was meant to find the star at the very tippy top of the unicorn like Aurora was meant to grow up as a villager and I a Princess."

"Yes Child who walks with a Crown of Wisdom." The Phoenix replied. "You can relieve Amber of her nightmare that she's been useless she never was useless. And she never will be."

"What do you mean by your Magix has all been tied up?" asked Lucinda.

"Follow me." The Phoenix replied and the three followed her over the abandoned city town built up of stars. Sofia gasped.

"Ogron what is that?"

"Black Shadow Hemlock lethal to all but the Phoenix dragon."

"Phoenix Dragon?" asked Lucinda.

"The Phoenix dragon is the most powerful healing magic in the world of magic universes some fairies have accessed it awhile but also so have some paladdins."

"Without the vine being cut back or killed completely by a healing tonic of one of those weilders I cannot spread my Healing Rain over the Magic Universe." explains the Phoenix. "They drain me of my energy."

"I think I know how we can fight back against it for awhile." Pyro announced. "Unicorns do have some Phoenix dragon magic contained in their horns and all of you people have love for even those who have hated you that's Phoenix power compassion."

"Let's do it, Pyro." Owlwings agreed.

"I'm in as long as my Princess is in." stated Skye.

"I'm ready for anything." answers Sofia. "What about you two, Lucinda and Ogron?"

"I'm ready for anything too." says Lucinda.

"I'm game." answered Ogron. "Let's make a circle around the Fountain of Healing. The unicorns take one side and we'll do the other with hand in hand and those who can touch the very tip of their unicorn partner's wings do so. Lucinda do you have any Enchancing Strength Spell in that wand studying of yours?"

"Yes, I do, Well of Healing we hereby enchant your gush to be strengthened four times what you were and repel all black creeping vines as you rush over tearing through them."

"Strength of Will, Life rise up and fight in defense of all that's good and like Powers of the Dragonflame, Power of Wisdoms and Will of the Light. Power of the Unicorn Phoenix flames burning in our horns we and are riders beseech you bless this place with the Kiss of the Phoenix Flame Triple Quadruple times as three of many fire creatures recorded down among legends have gathered to help a sister and brother guardian of the entire Magical Universe."

There it was a dragon with phoenix wings and long tails flowing over where the feet also were and stretching far beyond. White wings on a red body. It was a magnificent sight to behold with your very own eyes.

Sofia's Adventure Journal AU (Sofia the First's Pov)Where stories live. Discover now