The Tricks

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Ginger's picture swipe right for the bunny whiter than the whitest snow.

"Seriously the Princess of Tangu, Princess of Freezenberg, Princess of Zumaria, is just me or didn't the announcing host say that it was best pet in the Kingdom meaning Enchancia."

"Again with the technicalities," Amber mumbles. "Can you cut it out narrator already you're making my ears bleed!"


"Sofia James told us you're not going to the pet contest,"

"Nope, Ruby it's a sham for I noticed everyone seems to ignore the fact that it's meant for Enchancia residents first and foremost. I think the village children should have more opportunity to show off their pets. Someone has been messing with that rule book and I hope to soon finlay the answers soon. The contest I went too should have been called the Everrealm Fair and the Everrealm pet contest."

"Maybe there was a glitch of something you know how you said Ms. Nettle's crazy crystals affected Cedric's wand?" inquires Bloom.

"You mean like a hacker of some sort." guesses Jade.

" guesses Jade

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"Yes, exactly like a hacker of some sort

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"Yes, exactly like a hacker of some sort."


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