Magical Treasures

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On the story path, Sandra's eyes popped open.
"There's only 6 one of which is two halves of a clue left our Seventh heart is on the counter to the left of the sink." A bright light shine on all of them as she says that and it begins to fade. We barely have eight left.

"Nice way to read between the lines Sandra," says Aisha.

"That's not exactly what I was doing, there were six hearts up above the counter including the one on the watermark and he said the rest were below but the mystical voice that swept over him sounded too fake and I wondered why he didn't say on the counter because that was exactly where it was it was one of the first things listed by our readers."

"Since when did this turn into a book?" asked Aisha hands on her hips.

"Technically as Tecna would say it fits because we're in a book right now," said Frieda. "But can we please focus? What is the next clue."

"It's not a clue it's just a couple of arrows arrow that says look right and up. It is leading away from where the heart was on the counter. That would be the sink it's behind the boy in the sink." Helen replies. Another light glowed brightly. 5 hearts left one of the five were split in half and separately hidden in this room.

Meanwhile on Hoggart Corwin and Bobs went to a cell.

"Saroo," sighs Robin. "What is a jedi doing here in our world?"

"I'm no jedi young one." She raised her hand and Robin cringed as she fell on her knees.

"Drop her now, Sith girl!" Boba shouted. He opened the cell and grabbed her in his arms and said again demanding strongly. "Drop the Princess now, sith scum!"

She didn't sway Boba rock launches her into the wall the control dropped and he snipped off a piece of the hair and tied round her his arm.

Robin fell back into Amari and Margret's arms.

"What is it with you and collect a strand of hair from each of your bounties Master Fett?" inquires Corwin.

"It's the way I know that they're loose again, I'm frozen a universe of highly advanced technology tracking simply by dna movements."

"You actually put a tracker into a tiny strand of hair?" inquires Margret. "Mind teaching me that? It could come in handy."

"It's my second two way tracking method I use because a lot of my bounties want to avenge themselves so it tells me when to be sure to leave. I'm so sorry about that. She nearly forced choked your friend. Sith are easily angered."

"It's too bad for you what I was ordered to deliver was delivered here and it will cause chaos. But maybe Master can find an antidote before it's too late for your people." She laughs.

"Shut up," Boba snapped. "Those ugly wriggling annelids don't belong here."

"What is she talking about?" asked Nickel concerned.

"Brain Invaders, she stole an entire nesting jar from the inventory of the Republic they were using it to better prepare people to fight back. But now that it is in a new world there's no telling the creepiness they can add. There are only two things to wipe them out the cold and lack of oxygen. People who have them crawl upon them forget who they are." stated Boba. "It's a good thing I packed these detonators."

"Always Mr. Prepared Bounty Hunter aren't you Boba Fett?" inquires Saroo.

"I said Shut up, Saroo you're lucky you're still being served food here via my request," says Fett. "You want to go home you'll dismantle your lightsaber and be a quiet little girl. Jasper had a lot of experience in the other world or universe. Seems that the Earth survived his strategy of destruction in the process of Eradicating his presence."

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