Chapter 28: Moving On

Start from the beginning

"He's going to kill me... he's going to sneak into my room and kill me..." Hoseok said to himself as he refrained from pacing around and displaying too much of his fears on the outside. "He's going to kill me..."

The man kept repeating those haunting assumptions until he finally found himself moving out of the kitchen so cautiously as if he was paranoid that Jungkook would be pressed against the wall, waiting for him in order to strike.

"He's not here..." Hoseok assured himself and walked further down the hall until he reached the familiar door he took Taehyung in before. "Maybe... I should give him what he wants. Then he won't kill me... even if I know this isn't good for him and that it will continue to feed his obsession..." Hoseok's trembling whispers trailed off as he opened the door slowly; trying his best not to make a sound even if Jungkook was already powered off to charge.

By the second he stepped in, his gaze shot straight ahead where his dual monitors sat as he quickly stepped in and closed the door behind him.

"I can at least give him the breathing gesture like he mentioned before... he could 'breathe' automatically, he wouldn't have to move his shoulders or mimic a human anymore... he will be doing it on his own," Hoseok continued but just as he approached the dual monitors, he stopped in place and only let out a disappointed sigh. "I'm such a coward.. I'm doing this just so he wouldn't kill me... where did I go from loving this android to fearing him?" Hoseok went on and sat at his desk as he went back and forth with himself. "The love I give him is the feared type of love... the love that has no choice but to be there to avoid any physical pain. That was the first time I actually told him off... What was I thinking? I have no control over this boy and I can't see what he does on a day to day basis... I can't tell if he harms someone only if I power him off to view his memory recordings."

As Hoseok began to create the code before bringing Jungkook down to add it to his system, the human's gaze slowly shifted from the dual monitors to the box he had sitting right at the corner of the room. With a small distraction as that, Hoseok only stood up and approached it, knowing exactly what was inside that box to begin with.

"I can't tell if Jungkook misbehaves outside of this house. I haven't even made the steps into speaking with Jimin more... So maybe these can help... I've used them before in the department to monitor Jungkook and what he did every day, without having to turn him off, so I should do so now. Therefore, any slip up from Jungkook..." Hoseok said and picked up the box as he opened it. However, his gaze only widened the second he looked inside. "He... he would... be gone... for... good..."

Hoseok managed to finish his sentence despite discovering that the box was empty. His heart went cold as he gulped and frantically began to look around the room for another similar box that he must have confused the other with, but to his dismay, he was wrong about that too.

"M-My... my... my micro-cameras! Where are they?! Fuck..." Hoseok hissed to himself and ran his hand through his own silk hair before letting out a heavy sigh. "I hundred micro-cameras.... That costs a fucking fortune! Where could they have gone?!"

After a while, Jimin was sitting on the couch after eating lunch as he began to ponder what had happened earlier. After he left that room in the morning, he no longer had the gloomy cloud hovering over his head. Now, he was constantly reminded of the android he laid over and listened to his caring voice against his ear. As the human sat there and reminisced, he didn't notice the soft smile that was forming over his own face that began to burn up like a million suns.

"Do I make you feel safe?"

Jimin listened to his memory play Jungkook's voice repeating those words and the moment over and over again in his head. He couldn't get enough of it. As he went on to play it for the billionth time in his endless mind that swarmed around Jungkook, that side of him, that doubtful side of him that was still grieving, suddenly played the sound of a voice he hadn't heard in so long.

"Do I keep you safe?"

In that moment when Jimin heard Yoongi's voice bite through and interrupted the endless waves of Jungkook's voice. Jimin opened his eyes and recalled the familiar words they both said, but somehow, they were very different in meanings. Of course, Yoongi wasn't here now to make him believe just those impactful and loving words he said in his dreams and long before when he was still active.

"He's not here anymore... and very soon... I'll go to the beach with Jungkook..." Jimin whispered to himself as his hands slowly ran along each other's opposite arms very carefully. "And... and I will move on from Yoongi. After counting the many days that turned into weeks, I didn't know that today was a month after he deactivated and maybe it's going to take me a while but now... I can't keep going like this..."

Jimin was the voice he needed to hear and assure him that he had nothing to lose if he decided to move on. Yoongi was no longer in his life and the baby steps he took forward while Jungkook stepped into his life just to drive for a bit, made it possible for Jimin to slowly acknowledge acceptance. He just had to face the beach; the same beach he kept in his lockscreen that always reminded him of the beautiful memories he had with Min Yoongi. He was a little scared, but for sure, he was more than ready to see the place once again in a different setting with a different memory that had yet to be made.

Jimin didn't dwell on Yoongi further as he usually would and was quick to empty his mind. Of course, how could he dwell on him further? Jungkook managed to distract him even from the grief he had piled up towards the love of his life. He couldn't tell if it was Jungkook's constant assurance, protection, or was it his hypnotic gaze that gave him the paralyzing chills that somehow seemed warming to him. Jimin couldn't stop to think at just one thought. His infatuation has grown past the stage where he just liked the idea of Jungkook, he absolutely liked him as a creation more than an idea or something that protected him. Maybe he was moving too fast or maybe he was moving too slow, but in his mind, he knew that this was exactly what he needed to begin the process of moving on.

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